Thursday, December 29, 2022

A White Christmas


We are back in Florida after a frigid and snowy visit to Michigan for Christmas, but as always the family fun made it all worthwhile.  Our travel was relatively smooth, considering all the chaos, but I think we managed to get out of Florida, just in front of the worst of the cancellations.  And did not fly Southwest, thank goodness.  

The house we rented for a second time was cozy and close to my daughter’s home.  We braved the snow and cold like true Michiganders (even though our Florida bones were not used to it) and had several lovely holiday dinners and brunches, attended Christmas morning mass at a beautiful old church, exchanged many gifts and enjoyed festive drinks.  

Our annual night of fun, the day after Christmas had 18 of us at a bowling alley with fierce team competition happening.  We all remarked how lucky we are that all the parents and the young adult children still love to get together.  

It’s difficult not having our own home to host Christmas celebrations during the holidays, but we have learned each year how to make a rented house feel special and to make the most of our Christmas visit.  For us, the holidays will always be about snowy Michigan and fun family time. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix


Even in Florida, a nice cup of cocoa tastes great now and then.  Here is my dilemma - Keurig hot cocoa cups have too much sugar and taste way too sweet and making cocoa the traditional way with chocolate syrup is also full of sugar.  I wanted to find a solution where I could control the amount of sugar and chocolate flavor. Looking through Pinterest, I decided to try the 4 Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix that I could scoop into a mug and utilize the hot water feature on my Keurig.

It is easy to put together, easy to prepare and individual cup and exactly the flavor I was looking for.  I like to use my frother as a last step for really foamy cocoa too.  Also, one of my favorite things to do during the holidays is to add a shot of peppermint flavored vodka for a fun seasonal adult style hot drink.

This recipe is really easy to adjust too,  Either add more or less cocoa powder  or sugar depending on your taste.


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Life Lately

Well, it’s been busier than I like, but all fun things, so I can’t really complain.  And, it’s the same for everyone this time of year; shopping, wrapping, organizing, entertaining and fun holiday events leading up to Christmas.  Once I ship my gifts today, the pace can be a little slower.  We have a fun night of dinner at a favorite restaurant and spectacular Christmas lights in Sarasota planned for Saturday and then the countdown to family begins.  As usual, we have a full itinerary of family events Christmas weekend (and after), but I wouldn’t want it any other way. 

Photos along the way include a golf luncheon planned by me, Christmas shopping with blue sky and palm trees and a dinner party at my house with good friends - any excuse to use all my pretty Christmas dishes and glassware.


At the dinner party I served an old favorite martini and I forgot how festive it looks and it is delicious too.  I used to hand it to people when they walked in the door on Christmas night. It brings the Christmas spirit - give it a try :-)

Candy Cane Martini

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Decembering - Florida Style


It really hits that Christmas is so close when December 1st shows up on the calendar.  And, this year I feel ahead of the game, so I can enjoy the festivities.  Coming up in our Florida style Christmas is a boat parade on the Intercoastal and a Christmas lighted bike and golf cart parade in my neighborhood.  I am also planning a luncheon before golf with my neighborhood golf group.  Plus, many other opportunities for Christmas cocktails, including beach happy hours.  

My decorations are up and each year I add a bit more colorful Florida style.  Starfish are technically stars right!? I have very little shopping to do - just one quick trip to the mall and a few stocking stuffers.  I will wrap and ship no later than the 15th, so that piece will be off my mind too. Even my Christmas cards are ordered and all they need are address labels.

I wondered when we moved to Florida how easy it would be to get into the holiday spirit without snow.  It’s different, but also colorful and fun.  Palm trees with Christmas lights are my favorite.

Happy December!

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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