It was frigid and snowy when my plane touched down in Michigan last week, but since I was there to help Megan and spend quality time with Audrey, I made the best of it. Megan picked me up at the airport and it was slow going to get home in the middle of a snowstorm, so we decided to mostly stay inside for the next few days.
I played with Audrey, read about 100 books and cuddled for a few episodes of Mickey Mouse Club. I brought Valentine stickers and we made pictures for her Daddy, PopPop and Auntie. We did go to breakfast one day and lunch another, plus a visit to Meijer Gardens where there is an indoor greenhouse, a cafe and a cute children’s play area. Usually when I am there we take a lot of walks, but temperatures below zero don’t allow for that.
She is so sweet, funny and happy, so being around her is a pleasure. I could hear her calling for Nana after her nap or in the morning and that makes my long distance Grandma heart happy. I am home now and today we face timed with lots of great interaction. And, the good news is that they will be visiting Florida in a few weeks for some sunshine, pool time and beach time. I think this long distance style grandma -ing is going to be okay.