Sunday, October 30, 2022

Late Fall Reading List


All of a sudden, my saved reading list on Amazon is full.  There are always books saved by favorite authors to be read in the future months, but sometimes not so many for right now.  I was really happy to find quite a few that appealed to me when I was searching for new releases.  I also appreciate all of you recommending books you have read.  We all have different reading tastes, but I have learned many of you do like the same books as I do.

The Barbara Kingsolver, Susan Elia MacNeal, Jodi Picoult all have great reviews, so I am willing to give them a try.  All three author’s last books were disappointing to me.  I haven’t been a Sally Hempworth fan, but this one sounded more my style.

Here is my late fall reading list and links to Amazon for Kindle.  Let me know if you read and enjoy.

Amazon Link

Monday, October 24, 2022

Apple Upside Down Cake


Apple Upside Down Cake

I have not moved on to pumpkin flavors yet, because October to me, is all about apples.  If I could find a way to get some freshly picked Michigan apples (specifically Empire) I would be happy, but for baking, the grocery store offerings are just fine.

This recipe is one of those that looks harder to make than it is.  It makes a really pretty presentation when you flip it over on the plate and I was happy to see that it came out easily and did not stick.  I followed the recipe exactly, except in addition to the cooking spray, I dusted the bundt pan lightly with flour, because that is what my mother and grandmother  taught me :)

As far as the flavor, it was so good.  The spice cake mix, the cider and the apples and brown sugar, all combine for fall on a plate.  It is quite moist too.  My husband and I won’t eat a big cake, so I plan to share with some neighbors.  

We have been experiencing lovely weather in Florida with blue skies and slightly cooler temperatures.  Enjoy your Monday and this last week of October.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Bay Sarasota


There is a new park in Sarasota and on the opening weekend, we decided to attend an evening concert there.  The music was an Eagles tribute band, so it seemed like a fun way to spend a Sunday night.  The weather is cooling down nicely too, so it’s time to take advantage of that and be outside.

We arrived a little early, set up our chairs at the stage and took a walk to explore the park.  There is a walking trail along Sarasota Bay, a shaded and elevated bridge through the mangroves, areas to sit in the sun with a water view, a playground and a kayak launch.  It’s dog friendly and I will bring mine next time for a morning stroll.

The concert was a good time with the crowd filling the grassy area, then spilling onto the parking lot and behind the stage right on the waterfront.  Of course in Florida, it tends to be an older demographic, but there was still a lot of dancing happening in front of the stage.  We kept to our chairs, but made a few trips to the food trucks for margaritas and beer.  It was an awesome venue, easy to get to and we will keep an eye out for other concerts. 


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Fall Travels in Northern Michigan


Before Hurricane Ian, I had planned a golf trip to Northern Michigan with stops all around the state to visit friends and family.  The timing was because of my nephew’s wedding that would be our first event. Unfortunately, because of flooding and power outages, we were unable to leave in time to make the wedding, but did manage to meet up in Ohio for brunch with my daughter and son in law on the last leg of our drive.  

Then, it was a bit more traveling north to reach our friend’s cabin on the North Branch of the Au Sable River. Once there we were treated to two days of delicious dinners cooked over an open fire, canoeing on the quiet, pristine river, campfire time and lots of catching up over wine.

We headed further north, had a beautiful, sunny day of golf in Gaylord and finally caught the ferry to Mackinac Island.  It really is a place that will take you back in time with only bicycles, horse and carriage and walking to get around.  There is beautiful victorian architecture and cottages, flower gardens, a historic fort and many fun shops and restaurants.  The highlight is renting bikes and the 8.2 mile bike ride around the island along the shores of Lake Huron.  

After a two night stay on the island, we caught the first ferry back to Mackinaw City and drove to the west side of the state for golf in Ludington (with our son in laws’s parents) on the shores of Lake Michigan.  Being Floridians now, the 50 degree weather was quite chilly for golf, but we recalled our Michigan roots and still had fun.  The hot coffee with Bailey’s during the round really hit the spot.

For our final day, we headed to Metro Detroit on the east side of the state and a visit with our younger daughter and her boyfriend.  They treated us to golf and dinner at their golf club.  It was another chilly round, but it is a beautiful old course and clubhouse and we enjoyed every minute.  More hot coffee and Baileys was a necessity.

We don’t normally make the drive and prefer to fly, but it was easier with our golf clubs and the length of our stay.  We traveled many miles, but what a fantastic trip we had.  

Final note: We were not able to drive around Venice very much before we left and the damage we saw when we returned really was painful to see.  I have been doing what I can to help both in my neighborhood where I am Landscape Chair (300 trees are down) and with my volunteer group in the downtown/beach area.  It will be many years of a new normal in Southwest Florida, but the sun is shining, the gulf is still blue and it will get better.

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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