Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Florida House Tour - Some Changes

My philosophy in my new home has been to take my time and not add things just to fill the space, but to make sure it’s the right piece that fits. It’s about creating a calming place through minimalism. That means I resist going to Home Goods or looking at Wayfair, because of course I want all the things, but recently, I have made a few changes or completed a few rooms.  It’s a process, but for the most part, it is looking like I envisioned.

First, we ordered a comfortable chair that matches the couch in the living room, which gives us three chairs instead of two and is much better for entertaining.

A decorating dilemma has been that our master bath is directly off the master bedroom with no door separating the two spaces.  I like the openness, but I knew it needed something to add interest and some presence to the space. We put up crown molding and it turned out beautifully. I also brought in some coastal texture and style with a tall wicker basket, glass bottles, seashells and a palm leaf print.

Lastly, the guest room was the first room I finished when we moved in and I used a pin from Pinterest as my inspiration.  Recently, I have added some art from Etsy (Florida watercolor prints) and some comfy throws at the end of the twin beds to add a bit more coastal color.

My next project will be decorating the greatly expanded lanai surrounding the new pool with plants and accessories.  We think construction will start today and it will be a long process, but I’ll share as we go.

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Night Out, A Wedding and A Birthday

I arrived in Michigan to storms and I arrived back in Florida to storms, but in between, I had a wonderful time with family and friends.

My husband and I try to see our daughters as much as possible and sometimes that means splitting up and visiting them separately.  Or, only one of them coming to Florida.  But, this time, circumstances allowed all of us to be in Michigan at the same time and we were able to have dinner all together on Friday night.   We met at Melissa’s new townhouse, my husband met her boyfriend for the first time (it’s hard to accomplish when you live many miles away) and we really enjoyed spending time together.

The next night, we were invited to a wedding (our dear friend’s daughter) that Megan and Adam would also be attending. My husband and I were able to stay with some friends that night and it was wonderful to spend some one on one time with them.  The wedding was so fun and there were so many friends from our old parish (and the girl’s catholic school)  there to hug and catch up with.  And having Megan and Adam there was a huge bonus.  We live far away, but these are the kind of events we try not to miss.

On Sunday, I moved on to a friend’s lake cottage and my husband flew back to Florida. Over the next few days,  I was able to spend some quality time with my parents and sister and also help my Dad
celebrate his 85th birthday. He was really happy I was there and that made me happy too.  In addition,
 I fit in a few glasses of wine here and there with friends, a delicious brunch and a late dinner with Melissa one night.

At the end of the trip, I was tired when I finally sat down in my seat on the plane. but satisfied that I had seen those I needed to see the most.  And as always, I will be back.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, July 19, 2019

4 Ingredient Peach Cobbler

Peaches and July just go together and if you are searching for an easy and delicious recipe, try this one.  Because I love something like this for breakfast, that’s how I will enjoy it, but it would also be a delicious dessert with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the top.

The fact that this recipe has four ingredients makes it my favorite kind.  No big shopping list required, because you most likely have what you need in your pantry.  It’s a spur of the moment dessert for when company drops by or your sweet tooth is calling.

To make:  spray an 8x8 baking dish with cooking spray.  Pour in 1 can of sliced peaches with juice.  Pour 1/2 packet yellow cake mix on top and press down.  Dot with 1/2 stick of butter cut in small pieces.  Sprinkle with cinnamon to taste.  Bake 45 minutes at 375 degrees.

That’s it and somehow after baking,  it magically becomes peach cobbler.


Friday, July 12, 2019

On Turning 60

So, I have some thoughts on turning 60.

 First, it’s not so bad!  60 is the new 40, right.  But, in all seriousness a few years ago, I was dreading leaving my fifties and 60 sounded like a really big number.  After moving to Florida and totally reinventing my lifestyle, I am in better shape than I have been in many years, my heath is good and life here is really like living in paradise everyday.  There is a lot to celebrate.

I wrote about my health journey after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes here, and how that was really the catalyst for me to make changes.  There are so many health issues associated with Diabetes and I was determined to overcome all those challenges.  Along the way, I reclaimed the active younger me who I had lost.  Who was that person that drank a can of Coke for breakfast ?! Walking and yoga, along with healthier eating will be what keeps me young and enjoying retirement with my husband.  We retired young and are determined enjoy every minute of it.

Age really is just a number and that is so evident here in Florida.  I tend to be one of the younger ones
around and I am so inspired by those who are twenty years older than me, but still active every day.  It’s all about keeping moving, keeping flexible and staying strong.  I recommend yoga to everyone
for that very reason.  At 60, I am stronger and more flexible than ever and am proud of those 2
(working on 3) minute planks.  And when I golf, my drives are longer than ever.

So, I’m looking at 60 as the beginning of a new chapter.  A chapter of life that I am excited about, without looking back and worrying about getter older.  It’s a cliche, but if you are as young as you feel, I am ready to live my life with energy and new experiences for as long as possible.  There is so much to look forward to.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Key West Birthday Weekend

This past Sunday was my 60th birthday and I have a lot to say about that, but will save it for another post.  This post is about all things Key West and if you have not been there, go.  If you think you have been to other parts of Florida and seen all Florida has to offer, a trip to Key West will change your mind.  The best way I can describe it is that it’s part coastal Florida and part New Orleans, with a real island vibe as well.  There is a lot to do, you will walk from one end to the other and there are no shortage of places to stop for a drink.  I made it my birthday mission to drink as many margaritas as possible :-)

Sunsets are big in Key West and my favorite spot was Sunset Pier.  It had live music and a great laid back atmosphere. We also took a sunset sail, rented a scooter to drive around the island and all the pretty neighborhoods, took the Conch Train tour, toured The Hemingway House and Truman’s Little White House, went to mass at a historical basilica and shopped, ate and drank our way up and down Duval Street.

We stayed in a bed and breakfast right on Duval Street and were in a great location.  It had a beautiful, lush courtyard with a pool, where breakfast was served in the morning.  It was a little loud at night, since you are right in the action, but it’s all part of the Key West experience.

My favorite restaurant for both the atmosphere and the food, was Blue Heaven for brunch.  It was recommended by many and it (and the Bloody Mary’s) didn’t disappoint.  If you like pancakes, get the ones with fresh pineapple.  And, the roosters running around are just part of the charm.

It’s a six hour drive for us and we stopped on Islamorada for lunch, so not a bad weekend trip.  We are already talking about the next time.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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