Tuesday, August 30, 2022

2 Ingredient Pull Apart Cinnamon Apple Bake


I’m not going to tell you what to do, but run do not walk to your store and buy cinnamon rolls and apple pie filling to make this asap :-) 

I don’t remember where I saw this method, so I can’t give credit, but recently added the two ingredients to my shopping list and decided to make it before golf this morning.  It’s now raining, so no golf, but I really enjoyed how easy and quick this was and how delicious too.

To make:  Cut refrigerated cinnamon rolls in quarters.  In a medium bowl, mix gently with 1 can apple pie filling.  Pour in 9x11 pan (coated generously with baking spray) and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  Turn up oven to 375 degrees and bake 10 more minutes or until brown on top.  Cool slightly and spread frosting included with cinnamon rolls on the top.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Endless Summer in Photos


I have been feeling summer starting to slip away and while here in Florida that doesn’t mean cooler weather, it does mean snowbird and tourist season is coming.  It makes me want to do all the things before the crowds return, so I have been out and about; around my little beach town, just soaking it all in. I’m sharing what endless summer looks like in Southwest Florida.  Blue sky days.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

My Review - CODA


I am always the last to see movies that were Oscar nominated or winners.  Usually, I have never seen or heard of many or all of the movies on the best picture list.  I knew that CODA had won best picture, but didn’t know anything about it or even what it was an acronym for (child of deaf adults).  I stumbled upon it this weekend, while looking for something to watch and I am so glad.

The main adjectives I would use to describe this lovely, quiet movie are moving, uplifting and unique.  It is a movie about a family, but so much more.  The interaction between the deaf adults (all deaf actors) and Ruby, the hearing daughter is so well done.  You feel like you are seeing something never seen on the screen before, but at the same time perfectly normal.

Ruby sparkles and her beautiful singing that helps her fit in and also gives her hope for a future outside of her family is such revelation.  I won’t spoil anything, but the way the school choir concert is filmed will give you all kinds of empathy and emotion.

Better late than never - watch it too if you can and be prepared to feel all the feels.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Visiting PA


I just returned from a wonderful visit with my daughter and son in law.  She lives in a suburb of Pittsburgh and while we love to go into the city, there are also many things to do in the North Hills (as I just learned the area north of the city is called).  We went out for cocktails at a favorite spot from a former visit, had a wonderful dinner at an historic inn with a German menu and spent a lovely afternoon at a winery.  We walked their dog in the pretty, but hilly neighborhood they live in and had breakfast at a cute cafe attached to a garden center.  

And, while we did keep busy, we also had some down time to catch up with each other.  We last saw each other at the end of April, so three months.  That is the magic number for me when it comes to my daughters and I don’t let distance keep us apart for much longer than that.  Talking on the phone is fine, but there is something important about a hug in person and a face to face conversation.  There is something important too about spending time in someone’s home and city, seeing their space and feeling part of their day to day life.

The goodbyes are hard, but we already have plans to see each other at a family wedding in September, so we will hold on to that and make due with many phone calls between Pennsylvania and Florida.  

P.S.  I fly a lot, but flying right now is a bit on the nightmarish side.  Coming back was an exercise is delays, missed connections and an unexpected stay in the airport hotel for an early morning flight.  I finally make it home to Florida fifteen hours after my original arrival time, but had to travel out of my way through St. Louis. 

Pack your patience if you have travel plans :-)

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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