Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Strawberry Baked Oatmeal


It’s the start strawberry season in Florida.  It will forever be strange to me that strawberry season happens in Florida during the winter months, because June is strawberry season in Michigan.  There are Florida strawberries at great prices at the grocery stores, as well as farm fresh quarts at the Farmer’s Market.  Of course we all eat strawberries year around now, but there is nothing better than fresh, local fruit in season.

I made this delicious baked oatmeal with some of the Farmer’s Market strawberries I bought and it was full of flavor.  Making baked oatmeal of any variety is a favorite of mine because it’s quick and easy to put together as well as refrigerating well for multiple days of a delicious breakfast.  Just pop a piece in the microwave and it tastes like it is just out of the oven.

The recipe can be found here and also, by entering “baked oatmeal” in my search box, you will find many other baked oatmeal recipes in many flavors.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Keep Moving


Yoga is kind of a passion of mine, but when lock downs started, I let myself get out of the habit of practicing on a regular basis.  Then, when things did open up and there were at least beach yoga classes to attend, I hurt my knee and have been afraid to injure it more.

Well, I am paying for that now.  By not stretching and moving, I have made everything much worse.  I finally went to the doctor and was diagnosed with pain from IT band tightness.  This can cause pain and irritation in the hip or knee.  I was told to do IT band stretches and apply ice before follow up with an orthopedic doctor if necessary. Yoga is perfect for stretching the hip, so that is what I have been doing; both regular longer practices and ten minute stretches targeted to the IT Band.  I am choosing to practice at home with an app I really like (Down Dog) as well as You Tube.  Until I am able to move my knee a bit better again, that is what feels the most comfortable and I have a pretty good view if I set up my mat poolside.

All this said, the point of this post is advise from a fit mid life women who stopped moving (besides walking) for too long.  It showed me how important it is to stretch and stay strong and flexible.  I want to be active for a long time and it is a slippery slope to aches and pains if you don’t persevere.  My back also paid the price of not stretching and I have been a regular at my massage place.

The good news is that after two weeks of consistent yoga, I already see improvement.  

Namaste my friends.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Winter Reading List


I sound like a Floridian when I say that it has been a chilly winter here with temperatures hovering around 60.  When you are used to the 80’s it’s a big change.  So, as I wrap up in a blanket, (don’t laugh) waiting  to get back in the pool, I have been refining and adding to my reading list.  It’s been a bit sparse for a while, but it looks like February will be a big publishing month at least with the authors I tend to read.

These four books are all by authors I have read before and like.  The Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths is a favorite, but she has also been branching out with an additional series (Brighton Mysteries) and another stand alone title  (The Stranger Diaries) that I have enjoyed. 

Three mysteries have caught my eye or been recommended to me and I have high hopes for all of them.  Two are set in Victorian England and seem quite interesting and different.

Finally, there are a couple of non fiction as well as one fiction, but based on a true story, that I look forward to reading.  If you read this blog regularly, you know I am an Outlander fan and the book by Sam and Graham (Jamie and Dougal) looks delightful and will be an immersion and escape into Scottish life.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January So Far


The world has gone a bit crazy and that makes me crave normal everyday life and what I can control.  Here is what is going on in my world so far in January.

Hoping that the vaccine roll out continues to expand and everyone who wants it gets it in a timely fashion. Patience is required in Florida, because anyone 65 and older can sign up, but there are a lot in that age group here and the appointments fill up fast.  I just saw that I will be in the next round (maybe by the end of February) since I am under 65, but am diabetic.  Hope is powerful and necessary in this new year.

 Busy volunteering and generally getting back into a routine, which I like.  My various “jobs” include working with a city beautification/clean up/gardening group on Thursday mornings, an appointment to a new park study commission for the city government, stepping up to run my Tuesday golf league and continuing as Beautification Chair for my neighborhood.  This past Thursday morning I helped take down and pack away the decorations on the city Christmas tree.  

 Exercising as much as I can, but unfortunately have something going on with my knee that is keeping me from yoga. I miss it so much that I may try to go this week and just be careful.  Also, walking on the beach keeps be grounded.  There is nothing like that surf sound, the sun and the gulf breezes to chase away a bad day.

 Reading a lot, but rarely find a book I love at the moment.  I did recommend one on Instagram the other day that was very good.  Magpie Lane by Lucy Atkins.  One of those slightly creepy, edge of your seat books you don’t want to stop reading until you figure out what is going on.

 Entertaining in these times is tricky, but we do get together in our  homes for small gatherings or dinner parties from time to time.   I hosted two couples for dinner Friday night and thoroughly enjoyed setting the table and cooking some good food.  I know we had a good time by the amount of wine and martini glasses I and hand washed the next morning.

Happy Monday!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Top 3 Recipes 2020


This is always a fun way to look back on the blog and see what was happening in 2020 based on what I was cooking or baking.  I think it is safe to say that we all cooked a lot more in this quarantine year.  One of the top three recipes is even from a series that I started during the height of the stay at home order encouraging you all to cook one of my tried and true recipes together.  From everyone making banana bread, to trying new recipes to give a little excitement to always eating at home, 2020 was the year of feeding and nurturing your family and keeping things delicious in the kitchen.  Here are the three recipes on my blog from 2020 with most views.  If you made them, I hope you enjoyed. And, Happy 2021!

1. Banana Bread in a Mug

2. Baked French Toast with Streusel Topping

3. Egg Roll in a Bowl 

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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