Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Wedding Celebration in Michigan


This is the summer of delayed wedding celebrations and there is something about the wait that makes everything a little more special.  Already married, but given that extra dose of love by friends and family who couldn’t lend that support last year.

My sister planned a beautiful event in her back yard amidst a rainy week in Michigan with flooded streets and an actual tornado warning that could not keep us from having a great time.  I was especially happy to see my family that I have not seen in person since Christmas 2019.  

The day started with a golf outing for the guys, a bridal brunch for the bridesmaids and me helping my sister pull everything together. She wanted to do a lot herself and while a lot of work, it was done with love and that shined through every detail.  Luckily she planned a huge tent with a lot of room for the guests to be comfortable when it rained and when all the phones started going off with tornado warning alerts, we simply paused to take cover and then pick up where we left off when the all clear siren was heard.  Definitely memorable for all and par for the course in a Michigan summer.

My nephew and his beautiful bride are truly married now with all our best wishes and their Michigan and Massachusetts love story continues.

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Day Tripping #2

There are so many things to do and see in this little slice of paradise we live in and we are taking advantage of the summer’s easy going pace by doing a few day trips.  Saturday, we went to Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium in Sarasota and enjoyed visiting the fish and turtles up close and personal.  

It is a small aquarium, but the attraction is that it is also a research center.  Mote is very important to this part of the gulf coast by keeping us informed of red tide levels.  Also, they supervise the sea turtle nests on the beaches and rescue the baby turtles that do not make it to the water.  They track the dolphin population and rehabilitate any aquatic life that may be injured by boats.

A new aquarium is being built a few miles away from the current facility and I look forward to visiting that as well when it opens.

We spent about an hour or so there seeing many kinds of fish, but the highlights were the great views of the sharks and manatees.  It’s crazy to think what is lurking under that pretty blue gulf coast water we enjoy so much.

The perfect ending to the day, was lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant on St. Armands Circle, including a glass (or two) of the best sangria.  More adventures to come.

New Mote Aquarium coming soon

Saturday, June 19, 2021



I hosted a dinner party on Thursday night and it got me thinking how much I have missed the simple joys of hostessing.  I love all the preparation involved; menu making, shopping lists, putting together a pretty table (I found peonies in Florida) and picking just the right serving dish for what I prepare.  I love those last few minutes before the doorbell rings and everything is done.  You light a few candles, pour yourself a cocktail and know you are ready to welcome friends into your home and that a pleasant evening is ahead.

Bringing people together is one of my favorite things.  I love inviting people who don’t normally socialize with each other and see new friendships form. The neighbors we hosted did not know each other well, when I first put them together and now we are approaching two years of alternating houses for dinner every other month.  Everyone is a good cook and it has been fun to keep it going.

Another simple party I love to host is a martini party for women friends.  Again, I bring different social groups together, serve a fun martini and the ice is broken quickly.  This type of party was something I really missed during covid, because we still socialized, but not with large groups. I’m looking forward to hosting something like this in the holiday season this year.

More than anything, covid robbed us of time spent with friends and all the connections we so enjoy.  I say, let’s make up for lost time.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Summer Reading List


I’m not sure what was happening in the publishing world, or maybe my reading tastes are changing, but I have not come up with a reading list in quite some time.  Yes, I have been reading, but have resorted to re-reading some favorite books and book series with only a few new ones now and then. So many plots are similar these days that I find it hard to press that purchase button.  I did enjoy Ruby Falls, in the over done thriller genre with the unique literary device of an unreliable narrator.  It is always a surprising ending when that is the case.

My summer reading usually takes place in the pool or in a lounge chair by the pool, because it is too hot for anywhere else.  Even at the beach, you need to be in the water. I look forward to reading some favorite series (hello again to Mike Bowditch and Ruth Galloway), as well as some new novels that sound interesting.  If you enjoyed Daisy Jones & the Six, Malibu Rising is by the same author

Happy reading - please comment and let me know if you have read or plan to read any of these. Links are at the bottom of the post.


The Great Circle

The Lost Apothecary 

Good Company

The Daughters of Erietown

Dead by Dawn (Mike Bowditch series)

Of Women and Salt

The Last Thing He Told Me

The Night Hawks (Ruth Galloway series)

Malibu Rising

Monday, June 7, 2021

June Begins

June is shaping up to be quite a busy month.  Of course it’s all relative since I’m retired and I generally do as I please most days.  But, my issues with my knee that I have mentioned have led me to begin physical therapy.  It is helping and I’m working hard to get the knee stronger, but two appointments a week for two months is a lot on my calendar.  I’m slowly getting back to yoga and it feels so good to move again.  I am very thankful go this route instead of surgery  My PT has to reign me in, because I am determined to be as close to where I was as possible and my old cross country distance running mind set is coming back to me where I push through any pain.  My frustration with this injury has always been about flexibility and the inability to move like I want.  A little pain I can live with.

We have a trip planned to Michigan for my nephew’s delayed wedding reception which should be a very fun weekend.  I’m looking forward to seeing my daughters and I hope to see a few friends as well.  

Finally, while living the beach lifestyle seems carefree, there are the usual errands to run and things like hair appointments, yard work, volunteering, making sure there is food in the house and the list goes on.  Just like all of you, but with palm trees and sand.  One of my goals this week is to test this salmon recipe for a dinner party I am hosting mid month. Except fresh, not frozen salmon.  I’ll report back if it makes the menu.

June has always been a favorite month, because it is my birthday month, so happy June!

P.S. See if you can spot the sleeping puppy getting her dose of Florida sunshine :-)



Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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