Saturday, July 30, 2022

3 Ingredient Blueberry Cobbler


I have been seeing fresh blueberries in season in the accounts from the northern states that I follow and have been seriously craving all things blueberry.  Pie, cobbler, pancakes, etc. Unfortunately there are no fresh blueberries available in Florida, so I decided to do the next best thing and use frozen blueberries for this recipe.  

It’s such a simple recipe and a method you can use with any kind of fresh or frozen fruit.

In a 9x9 baking dish (or similar) after spraying with cooking spray, place 4 cups blueberries in the bottom. Dump any yellow cake mix in a mixing bowl and add 1/2 cup (1 stick) melted butter.  Mix until crumbles form. Pour on top of blueberries and bake for 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees.

Serve warm (Saturday breakfast for me) and then store in refrigerator.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Life Lately


First, where did July go and how is it almost August?  I have been busy doing a lot of gardening and planting for my neighborhood, as well as so much trimming in my own yard.  Rainy season is growing season and everything tropical is thriving. I am taking a break for now, because even in the mornings, it is just too hot.

My golf group is down to one foursome, but we are getting out as early in the day as we can and it hasn’t been too bad.  I still look forward to the return of our snowbirds, because more golfers equals more fun. This photo shows the stormy skies that are always a possibility when golfing in Florida in the rainy season.

I took a drive to Trader Joe’s in Sarasota last week and I have decided, I am not a Trader Joe’s person. Some things are good, but I’m not really a prepared food shopper and for ingredients for cooking actual recipes, I prefer the more traditional Publix.  If you are lucky enough to be able to shop at a Publix, you know what I mean. I did try this creamer and love it though.

The past two Mondays have been lunch out and catching up with friends kind of days.  Both included delicious seafood and beautiful water views.  Life in Florida where you can pick any number of pretty waterside locations is special.

Lastly, I have been making travel arrangements for two more family weddings.  Also, a visit to see my daughter in Pittsburgh very soon.  The wedding in October will also include a extended trip to northern Michigan for golf, visits with friends and a two night stay on Mackinac Island, one of my favorite spots. Northern Michigan in the fall is spectacular and sweatshirt weather sounds heavenly on this 100 degree day.

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

What My Book Club is Reading

As summer speeds along, my book club is getting prepared for our resumption in the fall.  We have a process where we all suggest a book or two that we have read and liked.  Then, this list is compiled and put out via email for a vote, with the top seven chosen as our books for the year.  If you are like me and love a good book list, it’s a great process because not only do I get to read the seven chosen, but also have a bigger list of all the recommendations.  

I thought you might enjoy seeing and maybe reading along with the books we will be reading and discussing. Two of the books I recommended were top vote getters (Finding Mrs. Ford and The Nature of Fragile Things).  I will be leading the discussion on Finding Mrs. Ford which takes place in Detroit in the late seventies and an era in Detroit that is very familiar to me.  It is also a great read with a twist you won’t see coming.

The other books are a range of genres, but we tend to pick books with strong female characters which invite great discussions.

Happy Reading!

Friday, July 8, 2022

Spiced Peach Overnight Oats


At one point, I was on an overnight oats kick and tried many different flavors.  Then, I have to say, I forgot about how it was the perfect summertime breakfast.  Because it has been so hot here (even worse than our usual heat) I started thinking how cold, creamy oatmeal would be just the thing.  And, I am loving the fresh Georgia peaches available right now.  

I dug into the back of my cupboard for a mason jar with a lid and quickly put together this recipe.  It’s really just a method of layering ingredients and you can change up the fruit to pretty much anything.  By preparing ahead of time and placing the jar in the refrigerator, you have a delicious breakfast ready and waiting in the morning.

Now that I have rediscovered this, I think it will be a staple in these hot months. What flavor should I make next?

Spiced Overnight Oats

Peel and chop 1 ripe peach in small pieces.  Place in a mason jar.

Layer as follows:

1/2 cup oats

1/2 Tsp sugar or sweetener of choice

Dash of cinnamon

Dash of nutmeg

Dash of ground ginger

1/2 cup low fat milk

Put on lid, shake and place in refrigerator until morning. Stir and add a splash of milk if desired.

Hint:  if you use blueberries, try 1 T maple syrup as the sweetener 

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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