Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fall Reading List



A cozy blanket, a mug of tea and a favorite book. That is where you will find me often, during the fall season. There is a lull, before the business of the holidays begins, that I try to take advantage of. Luckily, there is a list of books by some of my favorite authors, just waiting to be read.



A new book by Jodi Picoult is always a good thing. Her books never dissapoint and always make me think.



I'm looking forward to reading the new Kathy Reichs book, in her Bones series. Tempe Brennan is an interesting character and her career in forensic anthropology always makes for an interesting story.



Medical Examiner, Kay Scarpetta is back in another psychological thriller by Patricia Cornwell. Her books can be dark at times, but her writing and character development is superb, as she explores the not so pretty side of human nature. There is a history between her characters that is built on in each book, making each one an intregral part of the overall story.



Deborah Crombie's new book is the one I have been most anticipating. Claudia from Mockingbird Hill Cottage got me hooked on this author and I quickly read all her past novels, from beginning to end. The books bring the London neighborhoods she writes about to dazzling life and she is a master at exploring the toll police work takes on the domestic life of Duncan and Gemma.

Happy Reading!



  1. I'm looking forward to the Jodi Picoult book! Her last book, The Storyteller, was awesome!

  2. On the list they go . . . I will read the Jodie Piccoult first, I haven't read her lately . . .

  3. They all look great Vicki. I'm especially excited for Jodi Picoult's new one.

  4. I have read all of those authors except the last one and really do enjoy them. I'm reading Jodie Picoult's Mercy right now, just started. I need to get that last one. Love it when I find new authors.

  5. They sound like perfect fall reads. I have never read anything by Jodie Piccoult ~ guess I'll have to try some. : )
    Happy Reading

  6. Yes! It's reading weather soon!

  7. Good list, Vicki. Although I can't read Jodi Picoult - too emotional and depressing. I don't want to feel too sad when I'm reading - lol.
    But I will definitely add Debbie Crombie to my list! I love anything set in England.

  8. thanks for the inspiration, Vicki! I was in need of a good read and I headed over to the library and picked up several P Cornwell books (already a fan, but she's written several I haven't yet read), 2 J Picoult books, and a D Crombie book. Thanks again!


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