Monday, January 25, 2016

Walking in All Seasons




I am in the midst of winter walking at the moment, but as I was out the other day, I was thinking how walking in all the different seasons does keep things interesting. I envy those who can walk on the beach, but otherwise, I am perfectly content and appreciative of my walking paths that go through the woods in my neighborhood. In all kinds of weather and in all seasons, I can walk out the door and in minutes am in touch with nature and can see first hand what is happening outside.




Winter walking is so peaceful, especially if I am lucky enough to time my walk to coincide with lightly falling snow. The low light of winter gives everything a hazy quality and the only sound you hear is the crunch of snow under your boots. Plus, a hot drink always tastes better after being out in the cold.



The snowy paths now will soon change to the welcome sight of green grass coming up and flowers appearing on the trees and bushes in the spring.




Summer is filled with sunlight and green canopies of trees. There are wildflowers that carpet the woods and bloom in a continuous wave throughout the season.




Fall brings a welcome coolness to the air and stunning color above. The sound of leaves crunching under my feet is one of my favorite sounds.

Happy walking and Happy Monday!



  1. What a wonderful place to walk:) Snowy or filled with blooms, still beautiful! Have a blessed day and week ahead, HUGS!

  2. I'm with you. I love a walk on the beach, but a walk in the woods is my favorite.

  3. What beautiful photographs. Needless to say, walking on wooded paths is one of my favorite things to do as well. As of Saturday, however, we have over a foot of snow to wade through, so the walking is on hold. Have a great week.

  4. Great pics. Spring can't come soon enough for me.

  5. You have such a beautiful place to walk! I would have to drive a good distance to find that kind of peace & beauty. What a blessing! The photos are lovely.

  6. What beautiful trails to walk on. It is so peaceful to walk this time of year through the woods.

  7. Beautiful post . . .
    And what a wonderful place to walk . . .
    Perfect for crunching sounds . . .

  8. Loved this little post. I love walking outside enjoying nature. Great pictures. Made me feel like I was there walking with you.

  9. I like how quiet winter walking is, I went for a hike on Sunday and felt restored. You sure have a nice trail there.

  10. Like you I love to walk, in all season. Now I've got a new walking partner we've been walking together and its so much more fun.

  11. I am going to try to hit a few paths myself tomorrow...I think it would be good therapy...:)JP

  12. So calming I so wish we had 4 seasons. In the Deep South we have summer and a lil bit of winter. Your fall is a photographers dream!

  13. I walk the same route most days too. And like you, I love seeing the changes the different seasons bring to my route!

  14. There certainly is beauty in all seasons and each has its own color palette. Love the pictures!


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