Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Downton Abbey Finale - Reflections




There have been a handful of series finale episodes that have pulled on my heartstrings and left me missing the characters I had grown to love. Friday Night Lights was one of the most perfect finales ever and the Parenthood finale was both bittersweet and inevitable. The writers of these long running series, that we invest our time and emotions in over the years, have a responsibility, in my opinion, to tie up loose ends, let us experience emotion and find a way to say goodbye and complete the character's stories.



That brings us to Downton Abbey and the culmination of six unforgettable seasons. We have been taken on a journey; sometimes happy and sometimes heartbreaking. We have been able to experience a world, both upstairs and downstairs that were glimpses of a time in history that was rich in the events that shaped the world we live in today. World War I, feminism and the delineation of social class. While the characters sometimes had a hard time accepting change, the show itself never shied away from that theme. It made me happy (and tearful) that the finale gave us so many happy endings (and beginnings) all around.



The characters, the beautiful setting and especially the detail of the costumes have given me great joy over the last six years. Sunday nights in January, February and March have been synonymous with Downton Abbey and there will be a void, until another worthy PBS show comes along. There are very few series that I look forward to watching again, from the beginning, but Downton Abbey will be one I will enjoy revisiting and that makes the ending a little easier to take.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. I feel the same, and will really miss this program.

  2. The costumes were spectacular did you watch the BAFTAs? The final episode tied up every loose end hanging and all were happy conclusions. I will go back and re watch all these.

  3. I am so sad to see the show go... it was such a fun show to see a time gone.

  4. This is a lovely summary. To me the stately family home of Downton Abbey and the costumes are characters too.

  5. Well said! I will miss it, too...*sniff*

  6. It was one of the best finales I think I've ever seen. It all just seemed to fall in place. I'm especially happy for Barrow - I know he wasn't a popular character, but in the end it all worked out.

  7. I was also relieved that Barrow was spared from a miserable life without the feeling of belonging. He wasn't always a nice person, but redeemed himself along the way in many subtle ways. There were a few loose ends that could in themselves springboard to a new series. Will Tom find love with Edith's assistant? Will Daisy and Andy along with Mr Mason and Mrs Patmore live happily ever after at the pig farm, while continuing service to the manor? Will Mosely and Baxter become a couple? And last but not least, will Spratt find fame and fortune as Cassandra, adviser in love and style? Maybe he can hire Denker as his housekeeper! ;) So sad to see it all end. Maybe each Christmas there will be a special episode to answer the questions and allow us to see the children grow.

  8. I didn't watch this show but have heard SO many great things about it! I always hate when a show I love is over, but it does help when they tie up all the loose ends! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Feel the same! Such a wonderful show! You should all come to Chicago and go to the Richard Driehaus museum as they have a wonderful exhibit "Dressing Downton". Its been so popular that they've extended it thru Memorial Weekend.....

  10. I thought the finale was perfect. I was a little worried that they were going to throw in one tragic event "just because" and was so thrilled that they did not. Have a great weekend, Vicki!

  11. I'm going to miss it a lot. And I was bummed out that Mosely and Baxter didn't smooch.


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