Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Some Favorites



As I reside in this in between time, there is really not a lot that I need to do, besides a few errands here and there. I am basically recharging after the busyness of moving out of our house and reserving my energy for the Florida move in. I have been catching up on favorite television shows, discovering new shows and reading some good books. Here are a few of my favorites.


Home Fires (PBS)

Unfortunately this is the final season, but I highly recommend this quiet little show about life in a small English village during World War II.


Call The Midwife (PBS)

This is another great season of this touching series that in my opinion, keeps getting better every year. They are now deep in the 1960's and the cultural references are so interesting.


Southern Charm (Bravo)

I definitely have Real Housewife fatigue and only watch a couple of the shows anymore, but I do love Southern Charm and its peek into the Charleston social scene.


Beauty and The Beast

I was pleased to finally see this movie and actually be pretty happy with how it was adapted. Was it only me or were others (Downton Abbey fans) wishing we could see more of Dan Steven's handsome face :-)


The Second Mrs Hockaday

I stumbled across this Civil War historical novel on Amazon and it became one of my favorites this year. It is written in a series of letters and it's one where you know something bad happened, but don't discover until the end what that is. I found it to be a real page turner.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Thank you for the "vicki's favorites" tips . . .
    I'll be checking that book out for sure . . .

  2. I have that book on my to-read list. I'm currently reading The Sound of Glass. It came out a couple of years ago and was on my list, and I saw it at the library the other day so grabbed it. I like it a lot so far, one part of the story I feel like I can predict, but the other is a mystery. So far so good.

  3. Alise and I loved Beauty & The Beast!

  4. Thanks for the reviews! I love Midwife. We haven't watched the new season of Home Fires so will have to catch up later. Not really a Beauty fan but may see the movie when it hits Netflix. It's kind of nice that you have some breathing room between moves!

  5. I havnt heard of any of these except Beauty and the Beast which I have no desire to watch. I have never been a big disney fan. Not sure why though, My daughter had all the movies growing up. Enjoy your break between the move.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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