Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Is Irma Coming?




Our first hurricane season in Florida and it looks like we are possibly going to be in for a big one. Right now we are making preparations and I'm following all the lists of things to have on hand. There is still a lot of uncertainty about where Irma will make landfall, if at all, but a category 4 or 5 is serious and we may even have to evacuate to the north. The worst case scenario for us would be Irma taking a turn north, up the gulf side of the state where I live.

Things I'm doing: stocking up on non perishable food, dogfood and water for at least three days, making sure I have candles, lighters, flashlights and batteries, filling car with gas and listening closely to the hurricane reports to know if we need to put our hurricane shutters up and then ride it out or evacuate. Craziness to this Midwestern girl and I don't really know what to expect.

It is a weird week, where everything seems calm at the moment, but you know there is something coming. Off to the grocery store now, before the lines get too long. Wish us luck!



  1. Not to be an alarmist, but I would suggest that three days is not enough. I am in an emergency network up north and we are advising people even here, away from hurricanes, that you need to be ready for 2 weeks, and our leaders are thinking about raising that level to 3 months. My memory is that previous Florida mayors, back when I used to spend time there, also recommended a 2 week supply, and people were happy for that when Charlie hit. Even after something as simple as a bad Michigan thunderstorm, it can easily take a week to restore power. I would think about increasing your water, food and meds. It doesn't hurt to be more prepared than you need to be. Be safe.

    1. I'll have plenty on hand if needed. I think the 3 day supply recommendation is for riding out the storm, not the aftermath.

  2. Sorry to hear Vicki . . .
    Preparing for whatever, I am sure . . .
    And the most daunting thought . . . evacuation north.
    Be positive, prepared and BE SAFE!
    Thoughts and caring . . .
    Love ~

  3. I do hope Irma misses you and Flordia altogether. I'm glad you're prepping and hopefully it's unneccessary. Take care.

  4. Good luck, Vicki... I remember when we lived in Boca putting away all our patio furniture and storing water and food. Good luck. Stay safe.

  5. Praying all in the path stay safe.

  6. Good luck. That sounds pretty scary.

  7. I am watching and praying for you! I hope Irma will leave you guys alone in your new home! HUGS!

  8. Stay safe, and praying for all those on the islands and in line of the hurricane.

  9. Not sure exactly where you are located in Florida, Vicki, but I'm hoping you are going to be okay. Sending prayers.


  10. GO AWAY IRMA !! UGH ........ I survived Hurr Andrew of 1992. And also Hurr Frances/Jean when we moved to ST Lucie County - 2004 storms. We left the state after that for work, but never forget my roots (Hubby is from Boston) sending love ox


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