Friday, October 27, 2017





I'm loving discovering new to me plants and hoping that this hibiscus makes it through the cooler weather we are starting to have here in Florida. It's all trial and error to this Midwest girl, but it's fun figuring it out. I'm learning that these tropical plants love the heat and humidity, but do not love a lot of water, unless they are in the direct sunlight all day.



Speaking of cooler temperatures - we were able to open the door wall and windows this week, with nighttime lows in the high 50's/low 60's and sunny days in the mid to upper 70's. It will be back in the 80's, but the 90's and humidity are gone for now. I think I'm really going to enjoy my first late fall/winter in Florida.




We have made a few changes to our house as time goes on. First, the oars I painted and hung on the dining room ship lap wall needed a little something more, so I added some rope accents and I love the texture and coastal vibe it brings. Also, we ended up changing the handles on the kitchen cabinets (before) and they definately give a more modern feel to the space. In the next few weeks, I will be posting the remaining rooms of my Florida home tour - just waiting for a few finishing touches.





I don't watch a lot of television, but Outlander, Poldark and Grey's Anatomy are all living up to my expectations and then some. Outlander has been wonderful in Season 3 and is based on my favorite book in the series, Voyager. Seeing it brought to life is amazing and emotional for me and really my only quibble is the inevitable changes from the book. But, I feel that way about every book adaptation. Poldark lost me a little last season, but season 3 has been really good and Ross is back to being the anti hero we love. Grey's Anatomy continues to amaze me that after 14 seasons the writers and the actors all continue to bring the drama to Seattle Grace (Grey Sloan Memorial) and continue to surprise me. Last night's episode with flashbacks to Riggs's and Megan's backstory during the war in Iraq was so good! I didn't mention This Is Us and that was deliberate. I'm still watching, but there is something missing for me so far this season.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I'm still loving This Is Us. It and American Housewife are the only shows I watch!

  2. I hope your Hibiscus stays with you . . .
    I call it my Happy Flower!

    Funny how we each have different tastes, favorites.
    I know of many who enjoy This Is Us . . . I catch snippets, but can’t say it is a favorite.
    Must have been an off night for me last night, I couldn’t get into Grey’s.
    I do wish Grace and Frankie would return for a season#4.

    Outdoor garden tending is keeping me busy . . .
    “Frosty” is just around the corner for us Michiganders . . .

    Looking forward to your room, house tour soon. . .
    Continue to enjoy your beautuful new home.

  3. I've got to start watching Poldark. Glad you are having cooler temps. Enjoy your weekend, Vicki.

  4. We are loving Outlander, Poldark and Grays too. I love the changes you made in the kitchen and to the oars. Can't wait to see more rooms! Our AC/Heat is off and the windows are open today. Loving it!

  5. These past few days have been amazing. I am so loving the break from the heat. I have Grey's Anatomy taped but have not watched it this season yet. I need to catch up with it. I am one of the few people who could not get into Outlander, I stopped mid way through the first book. Everyone I know loves it so maybe I should rethink it and start reading it again.

  6. Lindas flores. Abraço e feliz semana.

  7. I would move to Florida just so I could plant flowers all year long!!!! It always makes me so sad to see them freeze outside - especially after all of the hard work and money spent planting them!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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