Thursday, February 8, 2018

Golf and Two Books




One of the things I wanted to do once I moved to Florida, was revisit my golf game. I have golfed my whole life, but for a variety of reasons, including a nagging thumb injury, I have not golfed nearly enough in the past few years. Once that happens, your game starts to suffer and it becomes a roadblock to getting out and playing. My neighborhood just started a ladies golf group on Tuesday afternoons and so far, it has been a lot of fun. We play nine holes and then have a drink in the clubhouse, so a great way to spend the afternoon. It gets me out on the course at least once a week and more important, I've met even more people in my neighborhood. I feel like it's really going to help me settle into the Florida lifestyle I imagined.




It seems like it has been forever since I read a book that I really liked and could recommend. This week I read two really good ones.

Still Me by JoJo Moyes is the third book in the series that started with the wonderful Me Before You. The second book in the series, After You, was not my favorite, so I wasn't holding out too much hope for Still Me. I was wrong. It is very good and an entirely new story for Louisa, with only brief mentions of Will and his impact on her life. It takes place in New York, with new characters, as well as enough visits with her quirky family to make things feel familar. Louisa is once again the lovable, strong and funny character from Me Before You and the story feels complete and full circle at the end.

Two Nights by Kathy Reichs was intriguing to me since I love her Bones series with forensic expert Temperance Brennan. We are introduced to a totally different character and style of writing, but it was a fast paced story that once started, I couldn't put down. It was gritty, intelligent and I found the new character, Sunday Night, completely facinating. I'm hoping there will be more books to come.

Happy Thursday!



  1. Thanks for your review of Still Me. You are the first person that I know that's read it, but the reviews are great on Goodreads, too. I didn't read the second one, but I think I will read the third. Good luck with your golf game!

  2. Always love hearing about what others are reading and loving. Two Nights sounds like a winner for me! Glad you are settling in and making new friend groups, and get to get back to an activity you love.

  3. So glad you're meeting more friends! We used to play golf too but life got in the way of finding time to get to the course....I just loved being out in nature and found I never thought about problems while in that golf cart!
    I'm sure my back will not allow me to play that game again...sigh....
    Old Age.....not so fun.

  4. I'm happy for you getting involved in a golfing group! Sounds like lots of fun. I always appreciate your book reviews! Thanks so much! Keep us posted on your golf game!

  5. Awesome! My Son-in-law plays golf and both girls have played on and off! I always enjoy riding in the cart:) Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing the book reviews! HUGS!

  6. Hello Vicki,
    I’ve been reading your blog for only a few months and am not one to comment much. But I’ve been interested in your experiences and enjoy the recipes and book reviews. 3 years age my husband and I sold our big family home in Minnesota and moved to lower Alabama and love it! We have 4 adult children (3 still live in MN, 1 in Chicago) although it’s hard at times to be so far away,when we are together it’s great quality time. I can so relate to everything you have shared and it was nice to know we’re not alone with the decision we made. I would love to find a casual women’s golf group like that, I haven’t met too many women who golf yet. Thanks for sharing!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Could I read Still Me without having read the first two books? I'm so glad that you are enjoying your Florida life! I also revisited my golf game with some girlfriends this year but, of course, our season is much shorter and I'll probably be back to square one in the spring!

  8. Missed this post, happy I found it.
    Just a few minutes earlier I had a mind flash . . .
    “I need a good book!”

    Two Nights first . . . and then . . . Still Me . . .

    Good news about golf game and new friendships!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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