Thursday, March 15, 2018





Doing: Now that we have lived in our new house for several months, we are working on some of the things we weren't in a great hurry to complete, but wanted to live with for a while before making decisions. One of those things is artwork and it's just recently that I have been feeling the need to fill some of the empty space. I don't want clutter, but have found a few unique, coastal inspired pieces that will do nicely. We also are working on getting some glass added to our front door that will solve a problem with lack of light in the foyer area. Our house is designed to be open and full of light in the back, but by living here awhile, we have discovered we would like a bit more natural light in the front of the house as well.


Watching: I know I have written many times about my love for British crime shows and I recently discovered one on Netflix that adore. Shetland is set in the Shetland Islands of Scotland and the scenery is as compelling as the crime stories. The two main characters DI Jimmy Perez and DS Alison McIntosh are just fabulous as written and acted. The accents are a challenge, but also part of the charm.


Reading: The best book I have read lately, is one I just finished this week. Force of Nature by Jane Harper is about five women who go on a corporate wilderness retreat, but only four return. The story is told in both present time (the investigation) and flashbacks (the camping trip), building up to where the two stories converge and the reader discovers what happened.



Excited About: Visitors! My guest room is getting used this month and I love it. We just love showing visitors around and seeing our favorite spots through their eyes. I love making them a tropical drink and seeing all their stress melt away as the Florida sunshine does its work.


Chateau Chantal, Traverse City

Looking Ahead: My next trip to Michigan will be for Megan's bachelorette weekend in May. It seemed so far away when we booked it, but I will be on a plane so soon and it really is the start of the wedding festivities with her bridal showers in June and the wedding in August. The bachelorette weekend will be at one of my favorite places in northern Michigan (Traverse City) and we will be doing a wine tasting tour. We can't wait to celebrate.

Happy Thursday!



  1. Beautiful artwork! I know you will be excited for all of the Wedding festivities:) Enjoy it all, it goes by too fast, HUGS!

  2. All sounds such a lovely new adventure for you and still with ties to where you used to live, with family, so best of both worlds. I love the Shetland series, just seeing the scenery is a treat. Also used to like Vera, wish that was still continuing but all good things come to an end. Dr Finlay's Case Book is good, on Acorn.

  3. I’m enjoying seeing glimpses of your home in Florida. I well remember the excitement of our daughter’s wedding. The next few months will be so much fun for you. Blessings, Betsy

  4. I love having guests, too. We just repainted our living room and there is no art on the wall. I am thinking of moving things around a bit, maybe sneak in something new (my husband is not keen on change). I have not seen Shetland but I know I would like it. I wonder if the accent is that of the Shetland Islands, or a generic Scots? Both are music in my ear but I am biased, living in Glasgow. x

  5. We're gearing up for house guests too, starting this month and through the autumn. I enjoy it too. We've been in over a year, but still have some things to do. The guest rooms are good though and very well used : )

  6. Gosh, the wedding is coming closer and closer now! We have company coming this weekend and into next week. We love having visitors too!

  7. Great Florida Art Piece . . .
    Force of Nature sounds good . . .
    Adding it to my list, not sure when I will get to reading it . . .
    I will let you know. I like following up on your suggestions!
    Bachelorette party in TC sounds wonderful!
    Months are zooming by . . ,

  8. Hi VickiI put Shetland on my watch list. Jane Harper's book has been getting great reviews. Will have to download it. Have a great weekend.

  9. I have been reading your blog for a while now and wishing I too could move to Florida year round. Had to comment this time as you mentioned one of my favourite places too! My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Traverse City. It's been years since I have been back.

    I will have to see if Canadian Netflix carries Shetland as it sounds like a good series to follow. I am always trying to find something good to watch on there.

  10. All good things. I like reading about how your'e settling in.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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