Friday, November 9, 2018

Apple Brownies




What's in a name? Apparently for me, a lot. Wanting to use a bowlful of apples on my kitchen counter, I started scrolling through Pinterest looking for a quick and easy apple recipe, maybe a cake or some type of bar. I happened upon a few recipes for Apple Brownies and I was intrigued. They really should be called Apple Blondies (no chocolate), but for me, Apple Brownies just seemed more fun.

They were easy to put together and I was happy to see they were loaded with chopped apples. As usual, I used Truvia sugar equivilents to make these a little more diabetic friendly. No other changes were made, but these would also be delicious with whole wheat flour. And, the scent when these were baking was heavenly. The original pin and recipe can be found here.

These brownies are delicious and have just enough sweetness to satisfy any sweet tooth. The thickness of the batter helps keep the apples from sinking to the bottom, so there were plenty of apples in every bite. Serving suggestion: Serve a warm apple brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of caramel sauce. Autumn on a plate!

Have a wonderful weekend!


{ Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane



  1. They look delicious. Thank you, I saved the recipe.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Oh goodness, YUM! I would love to have one of those RIGHT now:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Thanks for the recipe link! Yum!!

  4. These sound great and different. Thanks for sharing.


  5. The Apple Brownie sound very good Vicki . . .
    Sending you an excellent recipe for an Apple Bread I was introduced to this year.
    Maybe you can make the necessary adjustments.
    Soooo very good!


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