Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Summer in Florida

Summer in Florida is very different than the rest of the year.  It’s hotter than the surface of the sun (heat index 110 today lol) most days, but you get used to that pretty quickly.  The biggest difference is how quiet it is.  The snowbirds are gone and while I miss my friends, it is so nice to drive without traffic and go to the beaches and restaurants without the crowds.  We are enjoying spending time with the friends who are still here and also exploring the places we have been wanting to see.  I have a list that I hope to get through in the next few months.

Last Friday, we headed to Anna Maria Island, just north of Sarasota, for breakfast on the beach.  It was a beautiful morning, hot and sunny, but we found a table in the shade and mostly remarked on how lucky we are that on a whim, we can sit on the beach drinking coffee and eating eggs and toast.  Next on the list, there is a restaurant just south of us, that you reach by a water taxi, with possible dolphin sightings. Sounds fun, right?

Finally, after two summers, we have realized that the best Florida lifestyle requires a pool of our own and a bigger outdoor living space.  We have a beautiful resort style pool within walking distance, but think it would be perfection if we could simply walk out on the lanai and jump in our pool whenever the mood strikes.  There are permits to obtain, demolition to endure and probably months of construction ahead, but we are excited for it to happen.  The photo I’m sharing is taken at a model home and not exactly what we will have in terms of pool tile, but otherwise very close.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. That’s an interesting perspective on summer in Florida. A pool sounds ideal and that image of the pool idea you have looks wonderful! We just moved my mom into assisted living. I’m heading downstate for a wedding and to see her. The thought of selling the home is overwhelming!

  2. That pool looks perfect! We're in Washington State and have friends who sold their house here in Spokane two years ago and bought a condo in Florida. Last year they sold the condo and bought a house with a pool of their own. In the summer they live here at the lake in their 5th wheel trailer. We have VERY low humidity and no mosquitoes. It sounds like the best of both worlds to me. They have been going to Florida in the winter for five years and hadn't lived in their house for that entire time until last summer when they sold it. They figured that was some expensive furniture storage! Washington to Florida. You can't get much further apart and stay in the contiguous states!

  3. Jumping into the pool sounds pretty darned good to me! Avoid the crowds!

  4. I've noticed a lot of people in Florida have screen-in pools. Is that because of bugs?

  5. A question I’ve always wondered about: why does everyone down there in that area have a lanai or covering over their pool?? All of our sailing buddies have those too...around Bradenton and fort Myers.

  6. It is soooo hot out isn't it? We have a pool and I love it so much. Looking forward to seeing your new pool all finished.

  7. Oh yes, the beach is calling my name and I just got back:) Starting the pool process is exciting, can't wait to watch it all happen. Have a blessed day dear friend, stay cool! HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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