Friday, August 23, 2019

My Favorite Salad Recipes

One of my favorite things to take when invited for dinner is a yummy salad.  I love getting out a big, pretty bowl and filling it with fresh ingredients.  It makes such a beautiful and colorful presentation, can be made ahead of time (as long as you add the dressing right before eating) and unlike baking, there is very little that can go wrong.

We are invited to a neighbor’s house for dinner on Saturday and when I was asked to bring a salad, I began to go through some old blog posts to see what I had made in the past.  I wanted to step it up a bit from my usual Caesar Salad or my go to salad with butter lettuce, green onions, strawberries, mandarin oranges, Chinese noodles and poppyseed dressing (make it - it’s yummy).

There are three that I am deciding on and have made several times before.  All are a little bit different than a standard lettuce salad and usually receive rave reviews.  I don’t know what the main dish will be, but any of the three would be good with fish, chicken or steak.  Follow me on Instagram and I’ll post a story on what one I make.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Yummy salads. The cranberry almond spinach salad is one of my faves. Enjoy your dinner with friends. Hugs

  2. Thanks, Vicki! These all sound delicious!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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