Friday, February 28, 2020

Life Lately in Photos

We are back from a trip to Michigan for my mother’s funeral and it’s still a strange new reality.

There have been fun and much needed visits from friends happening, in between making funeral arrangements from a far.  I’m not sure if being busy when you are still adjusting to the passing of a loved one is a good distraction or if it is keeping me from taking care of myself.  It’s all about living a new normal and I know I will get there once I have a chance to get back in my routine.

The photos of my life lately include a good memory of my mom, her grandchildren at the funeral, Michigan friends in Florida, a visit from my daughter, a Gulf sunset near St. Pete and my therapy; (besides writing this blog) planting flowers.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. It does look like you've been busy Vicki. I know from losing my own Mom so many years ago, that the memories and reminders will hit when you least expect it, and not always at appropriate times. I tell you this to also remind you to be kind to yourself when it happens. Let the tears flow and the laughter too. My Mom was a funny lady with a great sense of humor and laughter was frequent when she was around, so it was naturally part of the greiving process. I'll be praying for you.

  2. Keeping busy helps adjusting after losing someone loved. In a way you are taking care of yourself by keeping busy and I am sure you'll know when you are ready to take a break and reflect. Take care xx

  3. My mom passed four years ago and I remember the busyness of preparing for her funeral and then taking care of my dad was a distraction for me. It was the days after the funeral that were the hardest for me. As Betsy said memories and reminders will hit when you least expect it and tears, laughter and remembering truly are the best medicine. ((hugs))

  4. Thinking of you, Sweet Friend, and glad to see that your family and friends are surrounding you in the days after such a sad loss.

  5. The recent passing of your dad and now your mom soon after, is certainly an adjustment.
    I am sure you will take care of yourself . . .
    planting flowers is good for ones heart as is having friends around.
    By chance, was your moms name Rose.
    Loved seeing your pictures.
    Looking for more pictures of your lovely new pool!
    Thinking and caring about you Vicki.

  6. I am so sorry but happy that you got to spend time with loves ones reminiscing about a life well lived. Have a blessed day and take care of yourself! HUGS and PRAYERS coming your way!

  7. The crash after can be the toughest but none of it is what you want. And you've had two fairly close losses. Just be gentle with yourself now that you are home and the healing will begin. Sending hugs your way.

  8. So sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad two weeks ago. I work many hours and thought being busy is good and yet when the weekend comes, I feel like I have been hit by a truck. Lynne’s advice is strong. Take good care of yourself.

  9. Tough times my friend but I am so glad you were surrounded by the love of your family and friends.


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