Friday, November 6, 2020

Life Lately

 Round two of family will be here today when my daughter (Megan) and son in law arrive.  They have not visited since last November, so it will be so fun to have them here.  It will also be their first time actually swimming in our pool, because it was not ready to use the last time they were here.  I am hoping for good weather and so far, it looks like the tropical depression south of Cuba will not really amount to much, besides some wind later in the weekend.  

I went to Aldi first thing in the morning on Wednesday and had no problem getting the 2020 Wine Advent Calendar.  If you don’t know what that is, follow along on my Instagram (lifeinmyemptynest) and starting December 1st, I will be posting a story of the single serving bottle of wine for each day leading up to Christmas.  It was really fun last year and most of the wine was surprisingly good too.

Last night was my book club and the first one I have been back to since Covid cut things short in the spring.  We discussed The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See.  As with all her novels, you learn a lot about Asian life, this time Korea.  There is much hardship in her novels, but also focus on women’s relationships.  It was not my favorite of this author, but still an interesting read, with a plot twist at the end.

Happy Friday!


  1. Enjoy your time with family and I pray your weather is perfect for their visit☀️ Hugs

  2. I love the idea of the wine Advent calendar! It sounds like so much more fun than Lent! Have a great time with your daughter and sil!

  3. I love the idea of the wine Advent calendar! It sounds like so much more fun than Lent! Have a great time with your daughter and sil!

  4. I love the idea of the wine Advent calendar! It sounds like so much more fun than Lent! Have a great time with your daughter and sil!

  5. Have a fun visit with your daughter!

  6. Have a great time with your family! I bet that first hug was priceless!

  7. I need to check out that wine advent calendar. Have a great time with your daughter!

  8. So glad you'll be together again soon. What a fun thing to anticipate!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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