Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Christmas 2021 in Photos


We had a wonderful four days in Michigan spending time with family.  It was a whirlwind as usual, but low key at the same time.  My daughter Melissa and her boyfriend hosted us in their new home a few times and it is always fun to relax and just be together.  We were also at my sister’s house for Christmas Eve brunch and at my mother in law’s new home for Christmas Day.  We definitely ate and drank well and often.  We even were able to fit in a trip to East Lansing and the MSU campus which made me very happy, since it was my first time back in four years.

Not having a house in Michigan for the holidays is always difficult, but this year we found the perfect Airbnb and already plan to book it early for next year.  We love having room for Adam and Megan to stay with us and a location close to Melissa.  Plus, I upgraded this year and it was so worth it.

Happy New Year’s week and Go Green in the Peach Bowl on December 30th!


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time with your family. I'm so happy that you found a place you like to stay at too. Now you can go back to warm Florida while we have to stay in the cold midwest. :-)

  2. What a wonderful time together with family and a visit to MSU! Sounds like a great Christmas! Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

    1. It is always great to be with family. Hope you had some great family time as well!

  3. I'm glad you were able to find a great B&B and spend time with your family. How nice for Melissa to be able to host! And glad you got to visit the U while you were here! Happy Christmas week!

    1. It was so great to be on Campus and the bonus is that it was the one and only sunny day. Beautiful day to walk around.

  4. Looks like you had a great time. I'm glad you got to visit your ol' stomping grounds!

    1. Always fun to walk around campus and margaritas at our favorite restaurant were a bonus!

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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