Saturday, April 23, 2022

A Favorite Day


Do you ever have one of those days where you think to yourself this is my favorite day ever?  I had one of those days on Thursday morning with my volunteer group.  We usually do quite hard work; removing invasive species, weeding, trimming and planting.  But this particular morning was different.  In order to impress the judges for America In Bloom (Venice is a finalist for an award) we got creative in a small city park area we have adopted and became artists using all natural materials.

The showpiece is the arbor we built with bamboo and grapevine.  But, there are also areas landscaped with real creativity using bamboo and palm fronds, hanging art made with sticks, grapevine and seashells and an interactive fairy garden under a big tree where children who visit can use their imagination too.

All in all it was a experience that stretched some artistic muscles I have not used in awhile while at the same time helping make an outdoor area in my city even more beautiful.  Hope you think it is pretty cool too.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I hope it wins! You can take such pride in cooperative work like this!

    1. Love this group and how beautiful the city is with all the volunteer help.

  2. That is stunning! Hope you win!

    1. You should see the flowers in the downtown area - more prettiness for the judges.

  3. I love what you all did, so creative! I think you guys will win. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. A beautiful park! You did an amazing job!


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