Thursday, March 30, 2023

Lunch Florida Style


Some days are a bit out of the routine and that is a good thing.  On Tuesday, I skipped my weekly golf tee time and joined my volunteer group for lunch at a spot new to me, but a place I have wanted to go to for awhile.  

But, before lunch, because I am lucky to live in a place on the water where it’s easy to do, I killed some time, by sitting at the Venice Jetty and watching the dolphins play and the active surf splash onto the rocks.  Lovely and peaceful are the only words.

Lunch was at the cafe at The Venice Art Center in a beautiful flower filled courtyard.  There was a fountain, surrounded by bistro tables and the menu had the perfect lunch offerings.  Interesting sandwiches and salads with homemade focaccia bread.  Wine was on the menu, but I did not partake this time.  Next time I will for sure.  

I love to discover new places and while I do love my favorite beach restaurants in my fun little corner of Florida, there are so many other interesting spots to try.  I always say, love where you live.  And I do.


  1. I think I would love living in Florida too. The restaurant sounds lovely and I'm glad dyou had the opportunity to go there and now add a place to your favorites list. :-)
    I'm trying hard to at least like where we live. It's hard when we really liked where we were in Washington. I do love being around family here though so that helps a LOT.

    1. It takes time I think. Sometimes you have to just keep trying new places until you find new favorites.

  2. what's not to love?? Looks perfect to me!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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