Thursday, January 4, 2024

Life Lately


My Christmas decor and Christmas tree are put away and I just love the feeling of freshness and space that brings.  I always do a bit of a rearrange to the decor I put back and everything old is new again.  I miss all the lights, so a fun purchase from Amazon was these flameless candles for a pair of lanterns in my front hallway. Just the right amount of sparkle for the next month of early darkness.

I am back into more consistent yoga after getting a little too sporadic in the holiday season. 2024 was started on a beautiful note with yoga on Venice Beach at 8:00 am. New Year’s Day.  I won’t make that time often, because I am not a morning person, especially when it is chilly, but I plan to go at 9:00 am or for sunset yoga at 5:00, in addition to my usual practice at home.  2024 is going to be the year of consistent movement for me.

Finally, this is the time of year in Florida, after a quiet summer and fall, where the social season heats up.  My calendar is beginning to fill with dinners and other fun things as friends who are snowbirds start to return.  I love the quietness of summer, but this is a lot of fun too and I look forward to catching up at all our favorite spots.  There are many happy hour sunsets in my immediate future.  

Happy Thursday!


  1. Those candles are very pretty. I, too, like the space that reappears with the Christmas things back in storage. I have some twinkle lights that I have up year round that add a bit of sparkle to the early darkness. Enjoy all of your parties and social life.

  2. It's always fun to get rid of what eventually seems like clutter..Have fun "catching up"..Happy New Year...


    1. I love to purge - when we downsized there was no better feeling 😀


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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