Sunday, April 14, 2024

Mid April Thoughts


My life lately consists of lists and more lists.  Less than two weeks until Melissa’s bridal shower and my trip to Michigan.  But, before I go, I am organizing a golf scramble for my neighborhood golf group and hosting Euchre (cards) at my house.  I do find that lists give me motivation and I have really accomplished a lot lately.  Hosting at my home also gives me motivation to deep clean and that feels good too.

The bridal shower is pretty much planned and all that I need to do is pick up a few odds and ends once I get there.  I will be shipping in advance a box of decor that I have collected too.  My best discovery was ordering flowers from Costco inexpensively to be delivered right to the house (my daughter’s house) the day before the shower.  That way I know I have the hydrangeas I need and can fill in with Trader Joe’s flowers and greenery as needed.  I am also having dinner with my sister and borrowing a few more vases. Our theme is vintage garden party with blue and white chinoiserie vases.  Not outside in Michigan in April, but you get the idea.

I also have been getting more involved in my volunteer job where I work all around the city of Venice trimming, planting, etc.  The group is going through some leadership changes and I will begin co- editing the weekly newsletter in the fall. It is basically a blog format, so easy for me.  I also joined a committee to plan the yearly Christmas decorating in one of the city parks.  Busy, but all fun.

All this being said, two weeks until I see my sweet grand daughter Audrey.  She now has her first tooth and is changing and growing so fast.  I can’t wait to spend some time with her.  She will be at her Auntie’s bridal shower, her Christening is the following day and then I will be staying at her house for a few days.  Hoping for nice weather so we can go to the zoo.

Happy Sunday!


  1. SO happy for you! Such an exciting phase of your life…make each moment a memory for this part of your life will go as fast as our child rearing days! Remember those days/yrs we thought would last forever????!!!!!! And yet, in the blink of an eye….

    1. So true! How is the sweet girl already 6 months. But also looking forward to so many fun times ahead as she gets older. Hope you are having beautiful weather where you are in Florida because it is just lovely here!

  2. What a fun time planning a special shower and looking forward to seeing all of your Michigan loved ones! Enjoy the day and weeks ahead dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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