Friday, October 11, 2024

Milton Evacuation from Venice


Now that Milton has left the state of Florida and unfortunately left so much damage, I am focused enough to give a recap of the week.  Also, I want to thank all the readers who were kind enough to leave comments on Instagram as I updated that I was safe.

As the forecast and track became more and more dire, we had to make a decision on Sunday whether to stay and miss a planned trip, or evacuate early to get out in time and safely.  It is not an easy decision to evacuate and face the traffic on the highways, gas shortages and just leaving your house not knowing what you will come back to.  Luckily I live in a newly constructed cinder block house that is built for a category 5 hurricane and it already withstood Ian fine.  Right when we left, an evacuation order was issued for our zone due to flooding concerns too.

We packed the car, grabbed the dog because you can’t leave a dog in a kennel that will lose power and drove 13 hours in the middle of the night on Monday.  We made it to Atlanta (usually a 6 hour drive), found gas at one lone pump and went to bed early after a long day at the hotel I had reserved in advance.  Watching the hurricane hit from afar is not a great feeling and seeing the eye pass over Venice is surreal.  

We did not lose power, completely (just flickers off and on), so by watching our cameras, we could see that screens and a support from our pool cage are down and there was definitely a power surge because the dining room light somehow turned on.  We feel lucky about this for sure, because for many in Venice it was much worse, especially the beach areas that were already damaged from the Helene storm surge.

We now spend time with family and friends in Michigan before we head back to clean up our place and also help our community with ongoing cleanup.  

Please pray for recovery for all our favorite spots in Venice, Sarasota and Siesta Key.  Floridians have got this, but will need help, even if it is good thoughts across the miles.  


  1. I'm glad you're safe. It will be huge cleanup job all over the place. I think we need to worldwide look at where houses etc are being built, as weather events will just keep happening. Our local supermarket just re-opened for the first time since a cyclone in Feb 2023. Areas are no longer getting insurance due to constant flooding etc - somewhere floods in my country all the time and houses are red stickered and means people can no longer live in them. The council is offering buy backs but it is a hard thing. I won't ever live by the coast or a river or on a hill or under a hill now after our weather events! I was in a storm surge last year too and won't ever stay in accomodation sea side ever again. It was crazy. Take care.

    1. Despite all this I would never move from Florida. There is a price for paradise. My house is built to a Cat 5 code like FL requires now and is not going anywhere. The old Florida tiki type places will have to be built stronger now which is a good thing.

  2. I'm glad Milton's power decreased a little by the time it came onshore. And so thankful your home was ok. I know you are ready to get back and help with clean up. You live in such a beautiful area, and it has taken a pounding over the past few years. My daughter's college roommate is from Sarasota, and they enjoyed several spring breaks down there. I hope the area can recover quickly.

    1. I am so ready to help. It will come back fast in some spots, but some will take longer. I will be glad for this hurricane season to be over!

  3. Oh Vickie!!! I’ve been without internet and have been dying to see how yall are. I’ve been in the panhandle…yall could have come here to camp out. But glad yall made out in time. Remember when u were first moving down and a hurricane came thru. I wanted u to come to my house to wait it out. You said….nah, what could happen? I remember trying to tell u about our hurricanes…NOW you know what I was talking bout!!!! Pl keep us posted when u get back!! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I can name all the hurricanes we have been through exactly like a true Floridian. We celebrated my granddaughter's 1st birthday in Michigan yesterday, so heading back on Friday. Lots to clean up!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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