Monday, November 12, 2012

Family Dinner and a Movie


My empty nest was full again this weekend and we had some great family time on Saturday. Melissa was able to come home for the whole weekend, instead of just one night, and Megan was able to join us Saturday night for dinner. I am thankful we had the chance to spend time together.

We are members at a private dining club that has wonderful food and atmosphere. We were able to go there for dinner Saturday night, just the four of us, and we talked, laughed and enjoyed each other's company. It was fun to catch up and have a relaxing dinner, without having to rush. It was also fun to get dressed up and have good food, a nice glass of wine and a delicious dessert. The club is already decorated for Christmas with blue and white lights and beautiful greenery, so it felt like a jump start to the holiday season.

My favorite thing to order at the club is a Cosmo, because the bartender there makes them so amazing(much better than I can at home). It is such a festive way to start a special evening out.

As we were talking and eating, we decided to go to a late showing of the new James Bond movie. We stopped at home, changed into casual clothes and had a quick coffee to help stay awake. The movie was good, but it had a very different feel than other Bond movies.

It is these spur of the moment, family outings that I miss when the girls are away. That is why we try to take advantage of these kinds of opportunities - to spend those short, precious hours we have, simply together.

Have a great Monday :-)



  1. Taking advantage of the moments when you have them... so special and smart:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  2. I've heard this from several people about the Bond movie! Glad you had a nice dinner with the's the little moments that mean the most. Happy Monday!

  3. What fun! How nice to have both girls together and spend some time enjoying each others' company. We saw the Bond movie too. I had the same feeling as you did - I felt that it was darker, not quite as tongue-in-cheek as some others. But I think that's the way the other Daniel Craig one was too. Ann

  4. Your girls are lovely, Vicki! I'm glad you had the chance to have a fun outing together. My son went to the Bond movie yesterday and said he enjoyed it. Our latest movie view was Argo which we thought was very good. My next will be My Sister's Keeper, which I got at the video store.

  5. I liked this Bond movie better than the last one...I love Daniel Craig as Bond. I also miss those spur of the moment looking forward to having both my girls home for Thanksgiving. It will just be the four of us this year which is different but we have plans to stay in our pjs, watch movies, play games, and cook together. We've had a hard year and we're all looking forward to some quiet family time.

  6. Oh, Vicki, I soooo understand what you mean about missing the impromptu fun that most assuredly happens when our kids live at home! As you saw on my Boston Tour post, we're also empty nesters and were thrilled to be able to get together for a day in Boston with our 20-something girls! The next time we'll all be together is Thanksgiving and I can't wait! Thanks so much for stopping by :)... Donna

  7. What a nice night out! Your girls are just so pretty! I, too, love when we have a good excuse to dress up and go to a nice restaurant, especially before the rush of the holidays. I've heard mixed reviews about Skyfall...not sure what to believe until I see it.

    Have a great week, Vicki!


  8. so happy you had some quality time the four of you :) sounds like a delightful evening! xxo

  9. Great to have your kids at home for some time to reconnect. :)


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