Monday, September 9, 2013

A Late Summer Weekend in Photos



It was a weekend of cool, crisp evenings, perfect for football or an outdoor party. We started this late summer weekend by attending my nephew's high school football game, where he is the starting quarterback. It was fun to enjoy the ambience of a high school sporting event again and see the pride on my brother and sister in law's faces, for my nephew's accomplishments.

Our friend's annual lobster party was Saturday night, complete with lobster flown in from the east coast and all her special lobster decor to make things festive. Since my husband was attending a football game that night, I was there solo, but still had a great time. One of the fun things our hostess did, was to give name tags that match a random partner's and that person must serve you your drink of choice for the night. It makes for some funny conversations throughout the evening :-)


The football game my husband attended was a big one around here - the U of M, Notre Dame game, under the lights at Michigan stadium. My daughter Megan, who attended Michigan was able to visit his tailgate, so that was fun for both of them. We are MSU fans in our hearts, but like to support the other team in the state where all that tuition money went! And, Ann Arbor is a special place on football Saturdays.

Have a happy Monday!



  1. Sounds like you guys had a really fun weekend! Have a blessed week, HUGS!

  2. What a great weekend. We are going next weekend to watch our daughter's girls cheer for the first time. It will be so different watching her coach rather than cheering! And yes, being from MI, my hubby was GLUED to the TV wearing his Tom Brady Orange Bowl jersey!! LOL Glad they won, makes for a much happier Sunday morning. The lobster party looks like a lot of fun.

  3. This looks like a fun weekend! It's great your husband and daughter were able to tailgate together for this fun football game!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend. Darling last picture!

  5. sweet. a great week-end having fun tailgating with the family.
    Your blog is very cute....I am your newest follower, coming over from Infuse with Liz. I designed Liz's blog.

  6. Another fun filled weekend at your house! Couple things that I got from this - the lobster decor is so cute (must remember that one) and love the idea of the name tags - will be using that at a future (yet unplanned) party!!

  7. This is a great time of the year for you and your family. Football mania . . . I hope it cools a bit for the games at the end of the week/weekend.

    Happy enjoyed your "going solo" lobster party . . .


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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