Monday, January 12, 2015

Party of One {Golden Globes}



I have a love/hate relationship with the Golden Globes. I love seeing all the pretty dresses, but I don't really care that much about who actually wins the awards. I love that the actors can mill about and talk to each other, but it is annoying how they have to stumble through the tables and chairs to get on stage when they win. I like the monologue and jokes, but don't care to hear the political opinions. It's a fun look at Hollywood and because I watch more television than movies, I enjoy it a little more than the Oscars which can be a little self important.

I happily watched from my bed, with a glass of wine and a softly, glowing candle ( and a few texts with my daughter to give our opinions here and there).

Here are my favorite dresses of the night.



These two dresses were my favorites (Selma Hayek and Anna Kendrick) mostly because I love the thin belts that make their waists look so tiny. Both have beautiful fabric and seem just right for the occasion.



I love a little bit of sparkle for a special occasion and I thought Reese Withersoon's dress was so pretty.



A blonde Katherine Heigl) in dark blue is so pretty and out of all the structured gowns, I thought this was the best.



And last, but not least, Kate Hudson is just stunning. I'm usually not a fan of so much skin, but she looks incredible.

Happy Monday!



  1. I loved Katherine Heigl too. Love looking at the dresses, not so find of listening to the speeches!

  2. I watched too:) LOVE the dresses and you picked some of my favorites! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Great minds think alike! I didn't watch either, but my post comes out tomorrow! We liked a few of the same dresses! Katherine and Reese were in my top 3 Best Dressed.

  4. All nice dress choices. But I like the looks of that wine most of all. :) Kuwait is a dry country. Boo! Have a good week. Tammy

  5. I love the neckline on Katherine Hiegel's dress, but am not a fan of the bottom. Reese Witherspoon won it in my opinion. What a bod!!

  6. Kate Hudson was just stunning! Seeing all the dresses is my favorite part of every awards show. I rarely see any of the movies that are nominated. With Netflix and Amazon joining the pack, now it seems I can barely keep up with the TV shows, too!


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