Monday, December 28, 2015

A Photo Filled Christmas




We had a wonderful Christmas and the last two days have been eventful too, with lots and lots of family time. It has been so great having my daughters home and the quiet times watching movies on the couch have been just as fun as the busy times spent with extended family.




Christmas Eve started with brunch, followed by Mass and then quickly changing into Christmas pajamas and opening presents. We hosted Christmas Day dinner at our house and were festive with prosecco cocktails to toast the occasion. We had a wonderful dinner, then opened even more presents and played some games to end the night.




It seemed to be a selfie stick kind of Christmas too. We got two fabulous group shots; one from our family Christmas and one from our big group outing to play whirlyball ( a bumper car/lacrosse/basketball hybrid). We had teams designated by colored bandanas and lots of friendly competition. Both parents and children (all older now) played in a tournament format and my team came out on top in the championship round. We are a competitive, athletic bunch and it was loads of fun.

Happy Monday and hope your Christmas was filled with happiness too!



  1. Hmm...whirlyball...that's a new one! Loved seeing all your Christmas pics and I think the selfie stick was at the top of everyone's receiving list this year! Eek!! Three more days! Our boys arrived in Dallas on Saturday!!

  2. Beautiful girls:) OH MY goodness, great pictures! Enjoy today dear friend, I know you will! Have a blessed and beautiful week ahead, HUGS!

  3. Great pics of your beautiful girls. So glad you had a great Christmas. Have a happy and healthy new year.

  4. Beautuful daughters . . .
    Loved your post . . . looks/sounds like fun family/friend times!
    Happy New Year Vicki!

  5. The girls are gorgeous, and what fun! Sounds like a fabulous family outing.

  6. Looks like a wonderful Christmas! And now we finally have some wintery weather to make it feel more like the holidays!

  7. Faith, Family, Friends and Fun...your Christmas was Full and Fabulous!!! Happy New Year! Best ~ Mickie


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