Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Our Book Club Christmas




I wanted this photograph to capture the moment; a moment in time that shows my book club all around the table ready to enjoy a Christmas meal together. One of many moments with a special group of friends.

Many of the ladies were commiserating with each other about how they were tired from work, Christmas preparations and just all the little things of life that are hitting everyone so hard right now. But, we all agreed that there are things we must make an effort for and coming to book club is one of them.

It helped that when we arrived we were given a glass of champagne with a splash of limoncello. We had a delicious dinner ( chicken with artichokes, pasta with a light mushroom sauce and perfectly cooked Italian green beans) followed by a chocolate mint dessert that had us wanting more. As we ended the meal, our hostess made a heartfelt toast stressing the fact that we are so fortunate to come together each month with an amazing group of women.

Our evening ended with a little bit of serendipity that is hard to explain, but seems to happen every year with our gift exchange. We each bring a favorite thing that in a totally random way, always ends up in the hands of the person it seems would appreciate it the most. It's funny how things work out with a wink from above.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. That was a fun post. How nice that you have that group with similar interests, a book, to get together with. Looks lovely.

  2. Sweet and lovely Vicki . . .
    Loved the "wink from above" . . .
    Merry Christmas to you and your "readers!"

  3. Your book club friends are a blessing! How nice that you can all break away from everyday stress at least once a month, to enjoy the company and share thoughts on a good book!

  4. How nice that the gifts work out to be just right. I am a member of some special groups too, we share our lives and pray for each other.

  5. How lovely! And I love the champagne with lemon cello idea - I have a bottle from our recent trip trip to Sicily.

  6. Beautiful friends! I know everyone is busy this time of year but isn't it nice to just STOP and relax even for one evening? Have a blessed day and week leading up to Christmas! HUGS!

  7. Looks cozy and lovely and I'm glad you guys made the time for it!


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