Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Our Christmas in Photos





We are still celebrating all this week and the fun didn't stop on Christmas Day, but I wanted to stop in with a quick post on what I have been doing lately. First and foremost, it was so much fun having the girls home and together. After brunch at my brother's house and mass at our church, we had a quiet Christmas Eve with the girls in matching pajamas. We opened presents, watched Christmas movies in front of the fire and toasted the night with glasses of bubbly.




After a late night on Christmas Day, talking and laughing away the night with my husband's family, we were tired, but off again the day after Christmas to have a little fun cousin time. We went to an Escape Room and then out for pizza. Another fun night with family, creating even more memories.



Last night, the fun continued with my sister in laws big family. They invited us along to play bocce ball at an Italian American Club where we had a huge tournament that lasted until almost midnight. We missed having Megan there, since she had gone back to Pittsburgh for work, but Melissa and I were partners and while bad at bocce ball, we still had so much fun.

The plan is to go out to dinner again tonight before everyone leaves town, so the Christmas fun will continue just a bit longer. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Looks like you are all having a wonderful time together. There's a group of us here that have talked about going out for a night and including the "escape room". Sounds like so much fun, and right up my hubby and his BF's alley.

  2. What fun!! Thanks for checking in and sharing the great photos! Sounds like it has been a week of fun with more to come! Blessings indeed!

  3. Looks like a fun holiday season with family! Happy New Year!

  4. How fun! You have lots more energy than I do! I know you love having your girls at home. Enjoy the continued festivities!

    Jane x

  5. Sounds like you have had a wonderful Christmastime
    with your daughters, husband, friends and family . . .
    Loved your photos and post . . .
    Happy 2017 Vicki . . .

  6. It looks like such a fun week. I have never seen bocce ball played indoors. Have a wonderful New Year.


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