Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Winter Reading List



Out of all the blog posts that I write, these reading list posts are the ones I look forward to writing the most. And, I love to read these kinds of posts too. It's really a simple thing to understand, because you see, books are my passion. I love to contemplate reading a book, almost as much as actually reading the book itself. To read the reviews and what other readers think and in turn decide if a book is for me. Over the years, I have become a pretty good judge of what I like, and I rarely choose I book I can't get through. Of course, some are better than others, but that's the thrill of reading. You never know when you might discover a new favorite book that becomes impossible to put down. And, now writing this blog, I have a forum for my excitement in sharing a good book. It's like a big book club, that everyone is welcome to join.

Winter really is the perfect time to get caught up on your reading list. The long, cold nights are made for a good book, a cozy blanket and something warm to drink. I'm pretty busy right now and will be even busier in January and February finalizing the details of putting our house on the market, but that won't stop me from reading. I'll snatch the chance to read a few chapters here and there and it's always how I end my day. It's just a part of me and a big part of who I am. Yes, I'm that girl who always has her nose in a book and that's ok.


A book about a book club and favorite books sounds perfect for me. I will be reading this one next.


A group of women in Italy meet weekly to cook, eat and discuss life, food and friendship.


I read another book by this author and enjoyed the midwifery stories, so this should also be a good read.


Deborah Crombie's Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James are finally back and that makes me happy. I love a good British police procedural and this series is one of the best.

Happy reading!



  1. These look really good! Thank you for sharing your book recommendations. Our book club read The Nightingale last month, and it was one of the best books I've ever read! All of us loved it and are highly recommending it.

  2. Thanks for the recommendation on the Crombie series. I have been looking at starting the first one, but hadn't heard anything about them. Have a great day!

  3. These all sound good and I'm not familiar with those authors so will look forward to exploring - especially the Crombie books! Thanks!

  4. I take your book recommendations to heart, Vicki...I've read many and I've tried your recipes.

    I might have missed a few things ---or maybe it's a memory thing. Ha! You are moving? Please share!


  5. Looks like some good winter reads!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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