Friday, April 21, 2017

A Born To Run Book Club






This was a book club all about Bruce and it was such a fun night. One of our members is a huge Bruce Springsteen fan and she really wanted us to read his autobiography, Born To Run. And, she went all out on bringing the rock and roll atmosphere to us, with all the Bruce Springsteen memorabilia she has collected over the years. She showed us her favorite album covers, concert t shirts and precious photos of concert memories. She really is the cutest when she talks about her love for Bruce. We discussed the book with a concert playing in the background and we all agreed it was an interesting and well written story and we enjoyed learning about his life.

I must mention our wonderful dinner, pre book discussion. Our hostess served lemon chicken, a salad with kale, cabbage and cranberries, fresh asparagus and a wild rice dish with brussel sprouts, sliced almonds and Gouda cheese that was absolutely delicious.

And, to top off the evening, there was a surprise for me. I will be going to one more book club, but my wonderful friends surprised me with a going away gift and my favorite dessert. While enjoying strawberry topped cheesecake, I opened their lovely gift that I will always treasure. They gave me a Pandora bracelet with a state of Michigan charm, as well as an additional book charm to symbolize our years together at book club. A few tears were shed and lovely words were shared about how they will miss me. I really hate goodbyes, but we all agreed that a yearly book club get together in Florida is going to happen.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Hi Vicki, I'm getting ready to move as well, and I'll be saying goodbye to my book club next month too. So many great times have been shared with these women (and many great books as well). I'm hoping that I'll get them all to Maine for a yearly outing. Best of luck with your move. Denise

  2. That is such a thoughtful gift that will always remind you of your book club! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Good Afternoon Vicki, Do you know, I still have Bruce Springstein's album 'Born in the USA' in my collection and I love it.
    How wonderful that your friends presented you with such a lovely gift. Each time you wear the bracelet, you will always think of your friends.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Best Wishes

  4. Looks like a great evening. How sweet of your friends to treat you like a queen! Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Wow. Your book club puts mine to shame! What a wonderful group of ladies. Maybe you can Skype in on future book clubs and still be a part of it?

  6. What a great Book Club night . . .
    Bet it was festive and fun . . .
    Rockin' too I imagine . . .
    Wonderful night for you Vicki, receiving sweet thoughts, beautiful gift.
    I am sure your Book Club friends will miss you and you will miss them.
    A yearly Reunion Book Club night sounds perfect!

  7. How sweet that they honored you with such a great gift!! It's wonderful to have friends like that and your Florida book club meeting will happen!

  8. I know you will miss your friends:( BUT, HEY... Florida book club will delight everyone! You could also sit in with them on Facebook live! Have a blessed day, love Bruce too:)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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