Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Still Celebrating






We spent another weekend celebrating my daughter's engagement and it was loads of fun. We also enjoyed having everyone in the house for a final time, despite the fact that a lot of the furniture was gone and we basically had 2 beds and 1 couch for 5 people. We spent a lot of time around the kitchen table and it was fine.

Saturday was the Green and White spring football game at MSU and we met Megan's fiance's family there. It was really great to see them again, because the last time we saw them was at The University of Michigan on college graduation day. It is a wonderful thing when two families come together to celebrate their children's happiness and we happily toasted the well loved couple several times. The wedding and all the events leading up to it will be much anticipated and everyone all seems on the same page with the type of wedding we will be planning.

The next thing to do is pick the venue within the next couple of months and come up with a date. I keep telling Megan if she makes a list and checks off one thing at a time, it will all get done, without a lot of stress. There are a million and one details, but we will make each and every one add up to the perfect wedding that reflects exactly who they are.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. You have so much excitement going on! :)

  2. Loads of fun and lots of exciting changes coming for everyone! You are so smart to de-stress with a detailed list to check off as things get done. Great advice!

  3. Happy times happening for your family!
    I am very happy for you!

  4. Such exciting times to be cherished. I love, love. Wishing everyone happiness


  5. How exciting! Great looking couple. Have a good week. Good luck with the move, Vicki.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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