Friday, December 15, 2017

Seashells, Starfish and Sparkle










A big part of my downsizing process, before we moved to Florida, was decreasing my Christmas bins by at least half. It was hard, but knowing that a lot of what I had, just wouldn't look right in our new home helped the process along. I have a few touches of red here and there (not pictured), but most of what I ended up using was neutral, a little sparkly and with a beachy flair.

I added gold Christmas balls to some seashell and starfish decor I already had and repurposed the gold and silver trees I always used on my traditional mantel to a more modern grouping on my island. My tree, though pretty, needed a bit of pizazz and to align with the beach theme, so I added some large starfish and I love it now. Next year I want to add some aqua accents too.

Even outside, the decor has a Florida vibe with lights wrapped around the palm tree and something that still amazes me - there are pointsettias planted in pots both on the lanai and the front porch. That is definitely not something that would happen in Michigan.

I am finding that less clutter, simple decor and quiet colors are what makes my eye happy right now.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I love your coastal Christmas decor. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I love all your decorations! Have a great weekend, Vicki.

  3. Welcome Starfish and Seashells . . .
    Lovely . . .

    For sure . . .
    Poinsettia’s aren’t found outside in Michigan . . .
    I am sure yiou have heard . . .
    Bunches and Bunches of SNOW and cold . . .

    Merry Christmas Vicki . . .

  4. Beautiful! I know that you are enjoying your new home with the Christmas touch! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  5. I think one of the easiest ways to 'manage' decor is to have a basic scheme of natural colours and add accents. It means that a change of mood can be easily, and inexpensively created. It's a method I use in my main rooms.
    I like your neutral Christmas displays. So glad that your access changes mean that I can comment!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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