Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Holiday Q &A




I've decorated, sent my Christmas cards, pretty much finished my shopping and have been listening to Michael Buble Christmas songs on repeat, yet I'm finding it hard to get in the Christmas spirit here in Florida. It's early yet, right? Maybe this Holiday Q &A ( from The Queen In Between ) will help :-)

{1} We traveled at Christmas for many years and just got in the habit of artificial trees. This year we got a smaller, pre lit artificial tree and it went up pretty fast. I used all my old favorite ornaments and it's pretty, but still needs a little Florida pizzazz. I have an idea I will share when I figure it out.



{2} Definitely the Ginger Cut Out Cookies my girls and I baked together for many years. I got the recipe at a preschool nativity event and the spicy flavor, with just a hint of orange is so delicious. This will be the first year, in a very long time, I won't be baking, so that's a little sad.

{3} Again, we traveled back to Michigan for many years, but once we moved there, when Megan was 4 and Melissa was 1, we were always home on Christmas morning. I just love a relaxed Christmas morning with a special breakfast, stockings and Christmas movies.

{4} I have always loved clear lights, but I think colored lights are growing on me again.

{5} I mailed my cards today. This is early for me, but I combined them with a change of address, so I thought the earlier the better.

{6} A specific present doesn't come to mind, but I collect snow globes and my husband gets me one every year. Some were weeded out when we downsized, but I was really happy that my favorites all survived the move without any breakage.

{7} A good Christmas present memory is the double picture frame we wrapped up (with one side blank) to announce baby number two. There is nothing like a grand baby surprise announcement.

{8} We still do stockings both for kids and adults and always will. I love buying stocking stuffers.



{9} I still buy my girls matching Christmas pj's. Those pictures are some of my favorites.

{10} Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant. I love when it is sung at midnight mass on Christmas Eve too.

{11} Christmas Eve mass with just my daughters and husband, then returning home to open our family presents with hot chocolate (festive martini for me) and cookies. It's a nice quiet time for us, in the midst of family gatherings.

{12} Early! By that I mean starting on Black Friday, but I love on line shopping and rarely go to the mall any more - especially close to Christmas.

{13} White Christmas - it's one I watch every year without fail.



{14} Candy Cane Martini - yummy and festive!

{15} Always and including a carrot for the reindeer. We also made reindeer food (oatmeal and glitter) to sprinkle outside on the snow.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. I'm so jealous that you're so far ahead of the game! My tree is still bare!

  2. Enjoyable post . . .
    Love that you receive a snow globe each year . . .
    Do you like with music or without . . .

    PJ’s each year for the girls is a sweet tradition . . .

    A Candy Cane Martini sounds wonderful . . .

    Impressed with you and all your preparations . . .
    I need to get busy . . .

  3. Hi Vicki... better to WATCH White Christmas than to experience one. I know I sound like Scrooge but I am not a fan of snow. Great pic of you girls! Have a good week.

  4. The girls Jammie's are so cute and man, now I want a candy cane martini!

  5. I love White Christmas too! That martini looks delicious!! I enjoyed your post!!

  6. What gorgeous girls, Vicki!
    Its nice to follow family Christmas traditions, with each generation adding one or two of its own. My son and daughter-in-law always take their family to the local theater on Christmas Eve afternoon for the pantomime and I know that for them, it wouldn't be Christmas without that.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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