Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My Daughter's Wedding {Part 2}




From the beautiful church, to the happy and so in love bride and groom, the ceremony was everything we had hoped and dreamed. When planning a wedding, it is easy to get caught up in the reception details, but it is just as important, to make sure the ceremony is equally as meaningful.

The wedding took place at The Basilica of St. Adalbert in Grand Rapids, one of only two basilicas in Michigan and it was the perfect choice for a Catholic mass. The priest, a family friend, who has known Megan since first grade, traveled from the Detroit archdiocese to perform the ceremony and none of us can imagine the day without him. We needed very little floral decor; just a few bunches of greenery tied to the pews, because the church is so ornate. It was a magical setting on a lovely summer day.

The day started early with hair and makeup at the hotel, mimosas and sweet bridesmaids keeping Megan calm. I know all brides are beautiful, but we think she looked stunning and her dress, veil, hair and makeup all came together just right. She was more than ready to get in the car with me, her dad and sister to drive the short distance to the church and finally see her husband to be.

The ceremony was so personal, with family members doing the readings, godparents bringing up the gifts of bread and wine and Father Brian speaking so eloquently of the relationship he has had with our family over the years. It was truly a joyous celebration as Megan and Adam walked back down the aisle, finally married.

The professional photos from our photographer will not be a available for some time, but luckily a few friends and family snapped some candid shots from the ceremony . Some are a little blurry, eyes may be closed, but they still show the emotion of the day.





Her dress was new, her shoes were blue and the florist attached something old (grandpa's cuff link) and something borrowed (my cross pendant) in the bridal bouquet.






Happy parents popping some champagne!


Next post: the unique reception venue and so much fun with family and friends.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Wonderful, beautiful, stunning, happy, tender, sacred too . . .
    Love being included with pictures!

  2. What a beautiful bride and beautiful setting. Everyone looks so lovely!

  3. So beautiful, the church was gorgeous. The bride so pretty and seeing the bottom of her bouquet I knew there was a reason for the pretty pieces. Love the story of you and grandpa. A touching memory to have and share.

    Also enjoyed reading the personal touches.

    Enjoy your day


  4. Your daughter made a beautiful bride! I love your dress...I'm thinking of wearing a light pink for my daughter's wedding next year. I need to get looking. I know the trend now is to get married in the reception venue, but I love a church wedding. Looks gorgeous!

  5. Oh my!! Megan's dress is gorgeous, as is she! The MOB looked gorgeous too!! I can't wait to see more!! Thanks for sharing this special day with us!!

  6. Congratulations! What a lovely mother of the bride, beautiful bride and wedding! (Father Brian presided over my oldest daughter's wedding in 2010.)

  7. The bride was gorgeous and so was her mother!


  8. Beautiful wedding! I know that you smiled the entire time! Can't wait for the next post:) HUGS!

  9. So great--all of it!


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