Monday, September 17, 2018

Late Summer Night in Michigan





Bayview Yacht Club (that's Canada across the Detroit River)


St. Peter and Paul Jesuit Church


Grosse Pointe War Memorial




Another trip to Michigan (a very quick one) and another wedding, but this time I could sit back and relax as a guest and it was lovely.

My good friend's son was married on Friday and even though I had just been back, I knew it was a life event I couldn't miss. My husband held things together at home and I flew in and out in two days; breakfast with my daughter, the wedding and a visit with my parents, the only things on my itinerary.

The wedding mass was at the oldest Catholic church in Detroit ( established in 1848) and it was a beautiful ceremony. So many of my good friends were there and it made me happy to walk in the church and see all the familar faces, so dear to me. After the ceremony, since the weather was picture perfect, we were spontaneously hosted by friends at their yacht club on the Detroit River, for a quick drink before the start of the wedding reception. It is one of my favorite spots and shows off an aspect of the city that those not familar with Detroit have no idea exists. Sailing and boating are an important way of life in Michigan. The beautiful Detroit River and adjoining Lake St. Clair, with Canada on the other side, are a stunning example of that, on any summer night.

The wedding reception was held at The Grosse Pointe War Memorial, also on the waterfront and the ballroom, with its wrap around windows, afforded gorgeous views of Lake St. Clair. When we walked in the room, the early evening sun was sparkling on the water and it was breathtaking. For me, it was a wonderful night catching up with friends. Having just experienced our daughter's wedding last month, the whole night brought back so many memories and emotions, as well. I know now how much it means to have friends and family by your side and share in your joy. I'm very happy I could be there for my friend.

Happy Monday!



  1. Beautiful pictures!!!! I had a close childhood friend -her family moved to Grosse Point senior year of HS!

  2. What a pretty venue for the reception and the church is beautiful. Glad you were able to be there for your friends!

  3. It looks like you you had a great time with your old buds! Enjoy your week Vicki!

  4. It's always good to be back home and especially with old friends. Of course you had to come! And what a great setting!

  5. Looks like a perfect moment in time . . .
    Something wonderful about walking into a lovely church . . .
    And an old, ornate, for me, makes it even better.
    Seeing your friends makes it special too . . .
    There is also something lovely about sitting at lake edge,
    with perfect weather, reflections in the water, setting sun . . .
    Happy you were able to make the quick trip back to the wedding, friends, home land.

  6. OH dear, what a beautiful place! I know you enjoyed that trip! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


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