Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Christmas Boat Parade




Over the years, we have been to many Christmas parades and the thing I remember most is that even though bundled up from the cold, I was usually freezing. This year, we went to the Christmas Boat Parade, along the Intercoastal Waterway in Venice and no coats were required.





We had planned to just take our chairs and cooler and find a spot along the Intercoastal, but received an invitation to a special event dinner at The Crow's Nest. We were seated at a table by a window and had a perfect view of the boats, very close to where the parade began. Dinner was a set menu and I enjoyed Pesto Salmon Costini, Seafood Bisque (with a shot of sherry on the side to add in - yum), Prime Rib and Key Lime Pie (my favorite) for dessert. It was all delicious and just a really nice and festive evening all around.






I didn't know what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised with the amount of decoration on the majority of the boats. The fire truck boat (photo above) won the People's Choice award and was really well done and realistic. Of all the entries, my favorite had jumping Dolphins pulling Santa's sleigh, palm trees and alligators - perfect for the Christmas season in Florida.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. That parade looks so awesome and what great weather!!! The best of the whole post is that key lime pie!!! Yummy!!!!

  2. What a fun time. I love boat parades. You never know what quite what to expect. This one looks beautiful. How fun that you got to see it from the comfort of the restaurant. Your dinner sounds fabulous. Meanwhile, we had snow yesterday! Big fluffy white flakes. Ha! Blessings, Betsy

  3. How fun! The reflections make it look extra pretty!

  4. We loved The Crow's Nest!!!!!!! and what a fun parade!!! So happy for you!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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