Thursday, January 24, 2019

Life Lately

First a note: there seems to be a bug going around Blogger and I am unable to upload photos from 
my mobile device (iPad) and the app I use.  It looks like it is a known issue, but I may have to figure something else out until it's fixed. So, here is a post with just one photo, just for today.

When we first moved to Florida, I couldn't have imagined how full and busy my life would become. And, there are still a few more things I want to get involved in and I'm sure more friends to be made. I love being active and there really is so much to do when the weather is nice all the time.

We are really enjoying getting together from time to time with a new friend group of local MSU alumni and fans to watch the football and basketball games. If we can't be tailgating on campus or attending games at the Breslin Center, it's the next best thing. It was our turn to have everyone over Monday night and it was a fun group and a great win. I made fajitas and a pitcher of margaritas, which we enjoyed while watching the basketball game. Here's to continued success for our Spartans and a deep run in March Madness.

I have been going to yoga on Venice beach on various mornings, but I went to the sunset class last week and it was as wonderful as it sounds. The peace that's comes with a yoga practice and the sun setting into the Gulf of Mexico in the background, is something not be be missed. Life is good in Florida.

On Tuesdays, I golf with a group of ladies in my neighborhood and it has been so much fun and a great way to really connect. It's very informal and we mix up the pairings each week, so you are always golfing with someone new. The snowbirds are back, so our group is bigger again and after golf, we always enjoy a glass of wine at the clubhouse. And, slowly, but surely, with consistent golf, my game is coming back.

It has been awhile since I used my doughnut pan for oven baked doughnuts, but I saw a recipe for Old Fashioned Sour Cream doughnuts on Pinterest and I was in the mood for a quick and simple glazed style doughnut. These are really good and by baking, you reduce the fat. I also used Truvia to reduce the sugar, but unfortunately, the powdered sugar in the glaze kind of cancels that out. So, like I always say, indulge, but practice portion control. Life is short - eat a doughnut when you want. Recipe and original pin here.


  1. I think I need to get a donut pan and try that recipe. It sounds so good.

    Go Green, Go White! I think if I lived away I might try to find an alumni group for MSU. Lansing is crawling with alumni -- you don't even have to look. In a lot of ways, I'm sorry I had to work for the U for so many decades (even though I loved what I did at WKAR). When you see how the sausage is made, it really affects your overall view. You see the corruption, backbiting and money-grabbing and cuts to programs that really affect students. As an alum, that's really hard for me, because those college years were good ones. It's not just the Nassar thing or the Engler thing (thank God he's gone); that's new and was really hashed out in public in recent months. It's the whole show. But the people who went there, our friends and alums, had nothing to do with that. I'm glad there are groups like that out there so you can remember the good part of it. We live and worked too close and sometimes that's a little hard.

  2. SO happy you are enjoying new things with your friends. That sunset yoga sounds perfect. I love a sunrise and a sunset doing just about anything. YUM to the donuts! Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Vicki... I'm so glad that you are enjoying Florida so much!!! It seems that you are going, going, going. Have a great week.

  4. Wow Vicki! Life really does sound so good in Florida!! Some day I hope to retire and pursue your EXACT lifestyle! HA! Enjoy and thanks for sharing!

  5. I know how fun it is to find friends that cheer for the same team! You can imagine what it's like being an Alabama fan among so many LSWho'ers!

  6. I'm so happy you are enjoying life in Florida!!

  7. Sounds like the Florida move has turned out very well! I am hoping to retire in the next 2 years and live the dream! :)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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