Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Top 3 Recipes 2018



To be honest, I don't post nearly as many recipes as I used to, and 2018 was no exception. But, like all my blog posts these days, I'm not writing for the sake of writing, but because I really have something to say. The same could be said for my recipe posts. If I make something delicious, I want to share it and even better if it fits in with my trend towards a healthier lifestyle. Sometimes my top recipe posts feature all sweet treats or main dishes, but in 2018, my readers seemed to want something with a healthier twist. These three recipes were not just one time experiments either. I make all three consistently, especially the Chickpea Tuna Salad. It's such a great alternative to a sandwich lunch and I'm always looking to cut carbs wherever I can. So, the top three recipes in terms of pageviews are below, from third place to first place.


No Bake Peanut Butter Bites


4 Ingredient Applesauce Pancakes


Chickpea Tuna Salad


Happy 2019! May it be both healthy and happy.


{ Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane


  1. Looks delish and healthy!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year, Vicki! I hope 2019 is your best year yet!

  3. New recipes are always fun to consider!! Happy new year!!

  4. Looking good . . .
    I think I have a texture problem . . .
    A bite of chick pea does me in.
    I can’t bite into cheese either.
    I try . . . but nothing works.
    At least I am honest.

  5. I make those peanut butter balls all the time! I add a tad of tiny chocolate chips in them as well. haha.
    My husband loves chickpeas so I need to tell him about the tuna salad and Im gonna try and make those pancakes this weekend!!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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