Monday, February 11, 2019

Out and About

It's been a busy few days, but so much fun.  You know how some days you are content to stay home and relax and other days, especially when the weather is beautiful, you want to be out and about as much as possible.  There is so much to do here and even the most simple things become special when there are palm trees, sunshine and water views in your sight.  I think I will let the photos and captions tell the story, even though I am missing photos from the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning (I bought some fresh Shrimp Ceviche that was to die for) and my early afternoon at the pool on Sunday.   
Life is good in Florida.

Book Group on Thursday night.  We have progressed to wine, snacks and a much larger group.  The book we discussed, The Great Alone, was one of the best books I have read in awhile.  It's very intense, but one that stays with you after you finish. 

On Friday, I was invited to go on a home and garden tour with a few ladies from my neighborhood.  
We saw some really pretty and interesting homes, both historical and new, but all with unique Florida 
style.  The last home, right on the Intercoastal Waterway, with views of the Gulf of Mexico as well, was three stories of fabulous.  We enjoyed a glass of wine after the tour to make it a most enjoyable day.

Late Sunday afternoon, we headed to St. Armands Circle in Sarasota for a little shopping, drinks and dinner.  It's a lovely spot and we found just the thing we were looking for.  We are still enjoying finding house decor with the coastal vibe we love.  My margarita was good and the sunset at Lido Beach was even better.

Happy Monday!


  1. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a few days out and about. Today is one of those stay home rainy days here.

  2. I think it sounds so lovely. We had beautiful weather this weekend, I was out trimming bushes and weeding for a bit. Perfect weather to get some things done.

    1. This weather is amazing and I just wish it could be like this all year long. This is why I moved to Florida!

  3. Oh I am so jealous:) You are living the dream life! ENJOY! Have a beautiful day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  4. Hooray... wine at the book club!! I knew you would make that work eventually! We haven't ventured down to St. Armand's for far too long. Always a fun (and delicious) time.

  5. You were busy but such a fun busy. I bet the tour was fun and lovely seeing others decor and gardens. Beautiful photos of sunsets and happy faces.


  6. What a beautiful life you have! I am sooo very jealous!!! Do you have an extra room???

  7. Just makes me so happy to see you enjoying the south! I was so afraid you weren’t going to be happy so far away from what u were used to. The south is GOOD!!

  8. Sounds just wonderful! We have had quite a bit of snow which is very unusual for Vancouver. Wishing for some sunshine here. I really enjoyed that book.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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