Friday, February 15, 2019

Weeknight Minestrone Soup

There are a lot of ways to get your veggies everyday, but my very favorite is in a delicious bowl of soup.  I saw this recipe for Weeknight Minestrone Soup on the Instagram stories of Lemon Grove Lane .  She talks a lot about healthy eating and I find her really inspirational.  I was especially drawn to this recipe, since it was filled with veggies and substituted a couple of potatoes for the pasta you often find in minestrone.  It also has carrots, celery, green beans, tomatoes and spinach.

The original recipe called for rainbow chard, but my neighborhood Publix did not have it, so I used the same amount of spinach.  I didn't have the Parmesean rind either, but added a handful of grated Parmesan at the very end.

This recipe is billed as easy enough for a week night, and I would agree.  The hardest part was the
chopping, but after you have everything ready to go in the soup pot, you basically simmer until the veggies are done.  I added the spinach at the very end, so it would not be over cooked.  You can find the original recipe here.  It's healthy and delicious; my favorite combination. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Looks yummy to me:) It is soup kinda weather up here! Thanks for the recipe. Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. We love soup and we don't wait for winter or colder temps. Deliciousness in a bowl! Thanks for the recipe!

  3. It's great soup weather here. I'll check this one out!

  4. You mean people in Florida actually eat soup? Lol! Perfection!

  5. Yum! I told Keith tonight I think next week needs to be soup every day! One last little cold spell and then it will be too darn hot for soup around here.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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