Friday, May 10, 2019

Friends Here and There

I'm a lucky girl in the friend department.  Example number one; when I was in Michigan, even though I was busy with family obligations, my friends still showed up on the one night I was free to get together.  Instead of going to a restaurant where it is hard to talk to everyone, one of my friends offered to host us at her home and it was perfect.  I could mingle, give lots of hugs and left to fly back to Florida feeling very loved.  I think that this particular group of friends has learned to hold on tight to each other, because we have history together.  These kinds of friendships take years to build and nurture and there is a shorthand when we see each other.  They know and love my kids and I know and love theirs.  We are there for each other; both in the good times and bad.  I may live miles away, but it really doesn't matter in the least.

Then there are the new friendships I have made here in Florida.  There are some wonderful women in my neighborhood who are fun, welcoming and supportive.  I have become close to many and look forward to our fledging friendships growing over the years.  We also have been so fortunate to have some good friends from Michigan, living here in Venice and they have introduced us to their circle of friends as well.

You wonder as an empty nester how easy it will be to make new friends without the element of children and schools in the mix.  I have found it to be possible, as long as you are willing to put yourself out there a bit.  Empty nesters are in the same stage of life and looking for like minded people, going through all the same life changes.  Change is what keeps us young and while I cling to old friendships, it is the new friendships and experiences that help make life interesting.

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Best post EVER! Don’t know what I would do without my gal pals...
    Your smiles show your happiness!

  2. Well said!! Wishing you a blessed weekend! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. True friendships like you described are priceless these days.

  4. So glad you have found a nice group in FL. It's not easy to make friends at this stage in our lives but it is so worth it. Happy Mother's Day!

  5. That is wonderful. Making friends is never easy so you are definitely quite lucky to have managed to make such wonderful ones.

  6. I’m same as you! Moved from Mi 20 years ago, but maintained many friendships there. Glad you’re making new friends in FL. Hope we connect in real life one day.

    1. I plan to attend one of your blogger events at some point :-)

  7. I just wrote a post about the approaching empty nest and totally agree that social activities with friends (new and old) are super important. You are right that we are in this stage and it gives us a sense of comradeship to share the same life "struggles." Thanks for sharing!! : )

    1. It's always so great to connect with like minded people.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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