Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Out and About on Memorial Day

As we celebrate our two year anniversary of living in Florida, we have come to the realization that there is still so much more to see and do.  And the summer is the best time to explore, because the snow birds and tourists are gone.  It's pretty quiet and most of the time you can walk right in the restaurants and tiki bars that would be a 1-2 hour wait during season.  Of course it is hot, but we are used to it now and you would be surprised how comfortable it is in the shade, even on a 90 degree day, when you are near the water.

On Memorial Day, we took our pup to a waterfront park in Sarasota that we have driven by a million times.  It was a really nice walk along Sarasota Bay with lots of pretty boats to look at.  There is a tiki bar there, but it was too hot in the area you could sit with dogs, so we passed on that.  Maybe another cooler day.

We headed back to Venice to a downtown restaurant restaurant that I knew was a great spot to sit with a pet on a hot day and it was perfect.  We enjoyed Margaritas, a delicious, casual lunch and cool breezes from the ceiling fans.  After lunch, we walked across the street to take a selfie in front of the newly painted mural, designed just for Instragram pics and Venice hashtags.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Two years already? It seems that you have only just moved! Glad you had a lovely Memorial Day.

  2. So happy you enjoyed a getaway for your anniversary! Awesome!

    1. 2 years in FL already seems crazy. Sarasota is actually just a few minutes north, so not really a get away, but more like a day out 😀

  3. Look like two lil lovebirds!!!

  4. I'm glad you had such a great weekend. I can't imagine Florida in the summer. Growing up in Nebraska, that was humid enough! :-) Those are great photos and I'm glad the crowds are gone.

    1. It is hot, but you just go with it and find shade, the pool or the beach. Like I said, summer really is the best time to explore if you are a local.

  5. I'm so glad that you are enjoying your new home in Florida. Have a great week, Vicki.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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