Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Glow Ride

Merry Christmas Eve to all of you.  Hopefully the majority of your Christmas preparations are finished and you are planning to spend the next few days with family.

Last Friday, my neighborhood held a glow ride where everyone decorated their bikes and golf carts with lights and garland and headed out for a ride.  There were six stops along the route and I helped host one of these stops with a few neighbors.  We served food, libations (I made Jell-O shots), had Santa and Mrs. Claus ready to greet the riders and even had live music courtesy of a trombone player.

It was so much fun and made me realize again what a great neighborhood I live in.  Christmas in Florida is different, but oh so fun to be able to be outside.

Have a wonderful holiday week!


  1. How fun! Being outside for Christmas would be a dream come true for this northern girl. We spent a Christmas in Hawaii a few years ago and it was SO warm and wonderful.
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas Eve and a wonderful Christmas tomorrow.

    1. A white Christmas is nice, but warm weather has its charms. Merry Christmas to you!

  2. Oh what a fun time! I love that you all do this! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Now that sounds like fun. I had not heard of Glow Rides before, we could do this where I live in California.

  4. I'm just catching up now after a week of off-blog. So I hope your Christmas was very merry and send all good wishes for the new year!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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