Thursday, December 19, 2019

Winter Reading List

My process in finding books to read is varied.  One of the biggest sources is other blogs authored by avid readers like myself.  I remember those who have recommended books I like and find more often than not, they don’t steer me wrong.  I add constantly to my Amazon Reading Wish List and I usually have many books to choose from.  In writing my quarterly book recommendation posts, I let you know what I plan to read in the next few months.

For winter reading, especially for those of you looking for a book to read by the fire on a cold night, any of these books on my list would be a good choice to chase away the winter blues.  Perhaps the one I am most intrigued by is The Flight Girls, since I love historical fiction based on strong female characters.  Conviction is the current pick from Reese Witherspoon and she rarely picks a book I don’t like.  I’m also excited to read the latest V. I. Warshawski and Temperance Brennan installments.

I also included the next book my Book Club is reading (The Only Woman in the Room) since it’s a bit different than my usual choices.  It’s a novel based on the true story of 1940’s screen star Hedy Lamarr and her fight against the Nazi’s.  There were brains behind her beauty and she is credited with an invention that was critical to the war effort.

Happy Reading!


  1. I really need to do more reading as I have missed it. I keep so busy with my knitting/crochet that it's difficult to pick up a book. Maybe I should check out audible books. Thanks for the recommendations.

  2. I think I need to recommend the Only Woman in the Room for my book club. She was a fascinating woman and who would have imagined!

  3. I swear ONE DAY, I am going to order the books you recommend and read them:) I know that you know a good book! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!


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