Monday, March 30, 2020

How I Quarantine

I am a social person, but I am also a homebody.  After too much time out and about, I crave time alone at home.  I have always loved days during the week when a day comes up with nothing on the calendar.

But, this is different.  I am able to be happy at home, and don't really get bored, but I miss people.  I feel very far away from my daughters.  I feel sad about all the fun times my snowbird friends and I are missing, before they leave to head north (if they can leave).

 Thats why I am so thankful for the Zoom and Face Time interactions we had this past week.  FaceTime  happy hour with other couple friends.  FaceTime with my daughters, making us all feel a little more normal.  And the most fun, was a Zoom meeting with my Michigan Book Club.  I keep telling them they are never getting rid of me, even though I can’t attend.  But, I’m always there in spirit and through technology, there in the hardest of times when we all needed a connection.

So thankful also, to know you all are out there living this crazy quarantine life right beside me.  It makes our big world seem connected in a way I have never felt before.  Love and best wishes from Florida.


  1. Same here, I miss people. I also am happy at home but also love being with others. I enjoy FaceTiming with everyone to make it thru these times when we can't be together. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I understand the connection and feeling it as never before. As bloggers we all have our "thing," whether it is entertaining or cooking or books or whatever, even if our blogs reflect lots of our interests. But I don't think there has ever been a time when just about every blogger in the world is experiencing some of the same thing. It does bring us closer.

  3. Yes, I am missing my friends who are putting their lives on the line for this deadly virus. I have been working from home for nearly a week, but I feel so disconnected and not as productive as I would be if I were back at my desk at the Mother Ship! Hang in there!

  4. We have been using Zoom for our weekly Bible study. We have always facetimed with our kids as they all live far away. I'm SO grateful for technology, especially now. I do love being home though and that doesn't bother me, just not be able to go out and about if I wanted to is a bit odd.

  5. So great that you keep in close touch with your buds. Vicki. I love that you use zoom for your Bible study! Stay healthy!

    1. Well we did pray together at the end, but it was book club lol. These are all friends from my old parish in Michigan. I miss them.

  6. I'm a homebody but I'm also an introvert! My mom used to tell me that when I was little and I got into trouble she'd send me outside to play with my friends. It's true! I loved being alone in my room and she realized that wasn't punishment for me. But I do feel for all of you who are struggling without your friendships and connections. I know this is a difficult time for many people and I pray this ends quickly.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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